Chapter 162: WYH VII

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I wait for the Ninth Princess in the royal garden. Three days have passed, and I have not seen Mu Dan. My father forbade me to return to our village and have also told the servants not to do anything for me in relation to her.

"Yi Huai!" The Ninth Princess jumps in front of me and suddenly I'm aware of her presence.

"Yi Huai! How are you doing? Is your illness better?" She asks while eyeing me up and down.

Father must have told everyone I was recovering from an illness when I went away for two months.

"Much better. Your Highness, there is something I must talk to you about."

She looks over her shoulder at the palace maid. "Leave us."

"Yes." The maid lowers her knees and retreats.

"It must have something to do with the marriage decree... Do you oppose it?" She wonders.

The silver accessories pinned in her hair jingles as she moves. Her white robes glitters as the sun reflects its shiny material. Too blinding for me to continue to stare.

"I don't think I am the person who can make Your Highness happy."

"But... You make me plenty happy."

Shocked, my mouth drops open. "Your Highness? I-- I don't understand."

"I know that you do not think of me in such a way. I admit that I admire you a lot and with this marriage, I know that we will get along well and can discuss interesting things all day. With my role a princess, you know how fragile my life can become if thrown into a marriage alliance with someone I cannot stand. But with you... I think I can be happy."

Not knowing how to respond, I don't say anything and stare at her. She nervously twiddle her thumbs, awaiting what words I have.

"Your Highness, I did not know you felt this way."

Becoming shy, she looks to the ground to avoid my gaze.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel as though I was interested. I truly do respect you and hope that you can live a life free of the restraints being a princess. It's just that I want to share my life with the person I love and only that person."

The color drains from her face. Her lips quivering slightly.

"So you're saying that person isn't me?"

Reluctant to answer, I nod.

The Ninth Princess remains silent for a while, collecting her thoughts. I can tell she is hurt.

"You know words spoken by the Emperor is not something His Majesty can easily take back."

I listened to her chillingly explain what I knew would be impossible to change. If I can only get her to talk to His Majesty, I believe she can get him to dismiss the decree. Hopefully, the consequences wouldn't be drastic.

"But I will talk to my father."

"Really? You will?" I exclaimed a little too excited. Her Highness glares at me before exhaling, appearing annoyed.

I quickly raise my hands and bow. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"I'll be leaving then." She turns around and exits the royal garden. Her palace maid follows her out.

Although it is not for certain that the Princess' coaxing will alleviate the Emperor's orders, it was what I could only think of to remove myself from the marriage arrangement.

It didn't take long to hear about what happened after the Ninth Princess had a meeting with His Majesty. Rumors and gossip overfloods within the palace walls.

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