Chapter 11: Second Life - I Smell Romance

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"Let's stop here," I said. The smell of beef grilling reached my nostrils. Master liked to eat this.

"All right," the Young Man replied.

"There's a vendor to the left selling grilled beef. I'd like two of those." I reached into my sleeve for my money bag, but the Young Man lightly tapped down on my hand.

"I said I will pay."

"No, it's okay. I have money."

He didn't listen to me. He'd already turned to the vendor and ordered two grilled beef on a stick.

Huh? So he really is trying to help me? Nevertheless, it's inappropriate to accept his help with no intent to repay.

"Here." He puts two sticks wrapped up in a piece of paper in my palm.

"Young Man, I have no hands."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, one hand is holding my stick, one hand is holding you. How can I hold everything else?"

"Ah, Ah Xi. Carry the Young Miss' things." I felt the weight of the food leave my hand. The sassy servant obliged and kept quiet. For some reason, I could feel him staring at me, truly despising that I existed.

After buying all of that I needed, I thanked the Young Man and made my way back home.

However, the Young Man said, "Please let me escort you back home."

"There's no need," I told him.

"I'll walk you home, and you won't have to pay me back."



Heavens, he's persistent.

He nudged me with his arm. I rolled my eyes but held onto his sleeve once more.

As we walked, he asked me, "So how did you end up being a disciple of Master Lu Hong?

"You don't know?" I was surprised he hadn't heard of my story. Like from before, people were quick to gossip about anything and everything outside of the norm. To not know about me from rumors, would have meant he lived under a rock.

"I don't know your version."

Huh. No one's asked be that before.

"It's not a particularly special story. My parents were poor farmers who couldn't care for me and brought me to Master asking for him to treat me. When the diagnosis was much worse than they'd fear, they left me. I waited and waited and they never came back. Master took me in and raised me. He taught me medicine, and I help him manage the clinic now."

"Why didn't Doctor Lu..."

"Take in any other disciples?"


"People come and go. We had at least four people trained under Master, but all left for the bigger cities to make more money as physicians. Most of the work we do here is free."

"You're the only one who stayed?"

"It's not like I can go anywhere else. Master is my teacher and savoir, so wherever he is, that's where I stay."

"I don't think he saved you for you to owe him for life. You could do so much more with your life."

"What do you mean?"

"I apologize if my words caused harm to you, Young Miss. I just feel that with your tenacity, you could become a great person in the world of medicine."

Oh my, he's too flattering.

"Well, I'm glad someone can finally see that," I smiled.

"Mingxian, what took you so long?" I heard Master called out to me from a distance.

Letting go of the Young Man's sleeve I made my way over to the gate, "Master! I'm sorry I'm late. I ran into some trouble and this young man helped me."

Oh shit! I forgot to ask for the nice Young Man's name this whole time!

"Uh, this is... uhm..." I struggled to make something up.

"Greetings, Lord Kong. My disciple has troubled you," My master said. My eyes grew big learning that the Young Man who was helping me had been the very Lord Kong Shuguang, the Medicine Prince.

"It was not an issue, Doctor Lu. Please accept this." I smelled the aroma of food being passed to my Master.

"What is this?" Master asked as he accepted the package.

"A small present thanking you for the warm welcome this morning. I feel ashamed I did not bring anything for you. I ran into Mingxian at the market and offered to buy you both dinner."

"Oh, you didn't have to... Please, please stay for dinner."

"I'm sorry, I have other business to attend to now. We shall meet again other day."

"Farewell then," Master said. I could hear the footsteps of Lord Kong and his servant walking away.


"What is it?"

"He really is good looking."

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