Chapter 149: KSG

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"My Lord, we are here." Xiao Xi pulls the opening of the carriage.

I step out into the early misty morning. The scenery of overflowing nature feels primitive. I've never been somewhere so isolated from a city or somewhere with such threadbare visuals to be considered a medical clinic. Very different from Invigorating Essence indeed.

Nevertheless, I don't doubt Teacher Lu's skills. He is a renowned healer within Jianghu. Retired, he now has a peaceful life in the countryside.

I asked to meet him because I'm at a loss on how to save Senior Sister. Gao Yi Fei, Sect Leader of Invigorating Essence. She sacrificed her soul to perform the Soul Trap Ritual when capturing the Demon Lord, and now she has fallen into a coma. Physician Qie has stepped into the role of Sect Leader, but he urges me to quickly revive Senior Sister.

I've looked through every manual at Invigorating Essence, performed all sorts of healing treatments. I'm no longer confident I can save her. I owe Uncle Gao a great debt, and so I won't allow myself to give up.

"My Lord, I will go knock on the door," Xiao Xi tells me.

I nod.

I wait outside the fence as Xiao Xi enters the small yard.

Facing down the path, a small figure slowly walks in my direction. Petite, long black hair pinned with a wooden accessory, unmoving light brown eyes. She is dressed in a pale dress. In her hand, she wields a stick.

The distance between us decreases. I observe the woven basket on her back. It's filled with all sorts of medicinal herbs.

She went out so early to harvest medicine? The sun is barely even out yet. 

Before I could move out of her way, the stick hits my leg. Although from just looking at her, I had thought her movements were light and graceful. The moment her stick hit my right shin, I could not make a sound.

It hurts!

"Eh? That wasn't there earlier," she mumbles.

I try to rub the pain away. The girl is ignorant of what she had done and uses her hands to feel for the gate's door. 

She notices the door is opened. "Who's there?" 

"We're here to see Teacher Lu," Xiao Xi turns around to face her.

"Ah, you must be from Invigorating Essence. Please follow me inside. I'll let my Master know you're here."

"Fine then." Xiao Xi runs back to me. "My Lord, please."

"Mm." I composed myself, trying forget about the lingering pain.

The clinic is neat with chairs set to the side and a counter located to the right as we enter. There is a wooden divider for patients to meet with Teacher Lu. A modest set up but what really matters is the delicate care these patients entrust in Teacher Lu.

The furnishings are rather plain inside the study. Teacher Lu doesn't seem to have a library of the newest revelations on medicine either.

"Please have a seat." She gestures for us to sit. "I will go fetch my Master."

Through the door, she moves naturally smooth around furniture and corners.  

"Who is that?" I ask Xiao Xi who stands behind me.

He leans in and says, "She is Teacher Lu's disciple. I heard she was left here by her parents because of her blindness."

I'd figured she was blind from the moment I saw her. However, being a physician disciple of Teacher Lu while also exhibiting a disability, I'm intrigued to measure her abilities.

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