Chapter 126: Fifth Life - The Demon's Unruly Bride

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Bleak Night is too different from what it should normally look like. The air is light and festive. The sky is clear and white streaks of clouds hover above. The buildings look less intimidating with red cloths covering its rocky layers. Red wedding ribbons covering every entrance.

Indeed... a wedding will happen...

"Do you want to try on this one?" Chuju turns to me with a red robe in her hands. Pulling it over her own body, she check herself out in the mirror.

Yang Zi Huo has ordered me to stay in the living quarters next to his. It's as big as his own chambers with nearly identical furniture.

I shake my head for Chuju to understand that I was in no mood to try on wedding garments.

She stays busy with the wedding items, scouring the unlimited jewels littering the polished vanity.

"Are you really going to marry Sect Leader Yang? I thought you hate him?" She asks.

"My head's a mess. Don't ask me any more questions." My head falls into my hands, and I sigh heavily.

Chuju frowns and returns her attention to playing with gem encrusted jewelries.

I stand suddenly, placing my hands on my hips exclaiming, "Can you believe I wanted to marry this guy in every lifetime?!"

Chuji stares, completely taken aback. "I... I didn't know?"

"Huh. Now I don't want anything to do with him, and he tries to trap me with marriage?" I cross my arms.

And just because... because of one mistake?!

Chuju doesn't say anything, not knowing how to respond.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." I leave Chuju in the room. She probably thinks I've lost it again talking about this lifetime stuff.

It doesn't take long for me to reach Yang Zi Huo's study. No one is guarding it for now. Shamelessly, that demon has ordered everyone to prepare for the so called big celebration.

About to enter the doors, I hear Gu Yi's voice muttering from inside.

"Sect Leader, I know you've been waiting for this moment for a very long time, but are you sure you're not rushing into this marriage?"

"Rush?" Yang Zi Huo's chilling response seems to make Gu Yi fearful.

"I-- I just mean the demon portal will open soon, and you will have to ascend to your rightful position as demon ruler of the Demon Realm. What if Miss Yuxing doesn't want to go to the Demon Realm?"

"I'll choose to not ascend."

"But Sect Leader... You're the only one fit to rule over the demon realm. With no real leader, the Demon Clan has suffered. That's why you have to fight so many corrupted demons here in the Mortal Realm."

"There will always be someone willing to grab ahold of power," he reassures Gu Yi.

"But someone willing does not equate someone worthy."

"I just know that whatever kind of life Yuxing chooses I will be there by her side."

"But what about the life you've led with all these achievements..." Gu Yi appears to be disappointed.

I push the door open, and Gu Yi freezes. He quickly bows to me and exits the room. Shutting the door, he is smart enough to read the room and leave Yang Zi Huo and I to talk.

"Zi Huo, what is this about the demon portal?"

"Nothing. You just worry about the wedding that will take place in the coming week." He picks up his brush, placing its inky tip to the paper on the desk. A small smile appears on his face.

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now