Chapter 167: Fifth Life - Marvel Sphere

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Slowly, my eyes blink open.

For a second, I don't remember what happened. Then a surge of emotional flurry engulfs my conscious.

"Yuxing, are you all right?" Yi Fei sits at the side of the bed appearing  concerned.

Sighing, a tear escapes down the side of my face. "How long have I been sleeping? I feel like my insides have been pulled out, and now I'm an empty shell."

She flips my right hand over, placing the tips of her fingers on my wrist.

"Your organs are intact," she says. "I was worried because you've been sleeping for a two days. What happened when you touched the Divine Creator's Marvel Sphere?"

"I wished I never woke up."

"Trust me, you don't want to be asleep for hundreds of years."

Covering my face, I try to hide my pained expression from her. "Through Yang Zi Huo's eyes, I witnessed our agonizing lifetimes once again."

"I see... How-- How was it?"

"As terrible as when I lived it."

Yi Fei hangs her head low as I sit up on the bed. Wiping away the streams of droplets, I exhale deeply to calm myself. "There was a lifetime I didn't remember."

"What do you mean?"

"Before Yang Zi Huo was Kong Shuguang, he was Wu Yi Huai. My childhood friend turned... husband-to-be. I thought that was our very first lifetime together. However, before that lifetime we were something else."

"Something else?"

"We weren't... human but objects hovering in an abyss. I don't know exactly what he saw, but I think it was me. I was this giant glowing... sun. His body was similar to that of a large rock just floating through space and landed by my side. It was almost like he was orbiting around me, and somehow he had acquire the will to think and developed a soul. For a millenium, we were side by side in that dark void full of stars. It was peaceful..." I unknowingly smile while reminiscing. "But like every other lifetime, it came to an end. I died and the catastrophic explosion launched him far away, crashing him to the Mortal Realm."

"Like some sort of asteroid?" Yi Fei wonders.

"Correct. He didn't know where he landed, but I recognized it right away."


"Shui Jing Mountain."

"Really? Shui Jing Mountain?"

"That lilac glow from the crystals attached to the cavern walls fused with his outer worldly form. For three-hundred years, he was alone in that cave until his soul was reborned as Wu Yi Huai."

"Are you saying that the Star Gem formed on Shui Jing Mountain was basically Yang Zi Huo's previous life form?"

"Precisely. It's no wonder the Star Gem was only attracted to his body and rejected Zhao Bao Bai."

Yi Fei looks up at the ceiling, taking in all that I've told her. 

"So Kong Shuguang's secret you wanted to tell me was that he used his Immortal Blood to cure my eyes?" I ask.

She focuses her gaze back on me. With a half hearted smile, she replies, "No. His secret was that he fell in love with you the moment he met you. My brother was not one to reveal how he felt."

"How absurd."

"It isn't. His heart couldn't help being weak for you. He loved you long before you came to Invigorating Essence. Do you know that now the disciples practice a tradition every year to plant flowers in honor of him? But it isn't on the day of his passing, it's on yours."

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now