Chapter 57: Fourth Life - The Chosen

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Inside of the Gathering Hall, the council consisted of five older men from the village. Father and Mother were summoned to the meeting, and the council ordered Chun Mei and I to attend as well. The head of the council was Ying Jun's father, Uncle Lin.

Eager to hear the meeting that day, Ying Jun stood by his father's side. Soon he would have to partake in council matters and maybe one day become head council.

"Greetings Li family, thank you for joining us today," Uncle Lin announced.

"Of course. We understand the grave urgency of the matter." Father bowed.

"Yes, well. As you may all know, there has been a marriage proposal for the Li family."

Marriage proposal?

I stared over at Ying Jun. His eyes on Chun Mei, but they were not shimmering with joy as usual. The dark expression he had made me worry.

This isn't a marriage proposal from Ying Jun...

"As village head of the council, it is my understanding that Chun Mei will be the one sent away for this marriage."

"What? Father?" Chun Mei turned to Father, who kept his eyes still.

"The marriage will be with another village's council leader. To strengthen our communities, Li Chun Mei will do us the honor."

"No. I don't want to!" Chun Mei argued.

"Chun Mei!" Father whispered her name to remind her of her manners.

"You dare disobey?!" Uncle Lin stood from his wooden chair.

"Father!" Ying Jun ran in front to stand beside Chun Mei.

"Father, please do not send Chun Mei to marry," Ying Jun begged.

"It is her family's duty. Do not get in the way of responsibility, Ying Jun."

"I-- I will marry Chun Mei. Once she's a wedded bride, she can no longer be sent away."

"Then what? We still need someone to marry the other village's head leader. Who do you suggest take her place?"

Ying Jun turned his head to look at me. As though sorry he even looked my way, he averted his eyes to the ground. Mother placed her hands over her mouth to mute her cries. I observed the flow of tears on her face.

Stepping out, I sighed and said, "I will go, Village Leader."

"Why you? You're not related to the Li clan."

Even in dire times, my help came across as more of a nuisance. This was always how it was.

"Even though Father is not my biological father, he has raised me as his own along with Mother. For all my life I have lived with the surname Li. I believe myself to be my parents' daughter just as much as Chun Mei."

I looked at Chen Mei and gave her a calm smile. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Very well. We will send you off tomorrow for the wedding. I am pleased to see such honor still existing in this village. For doing us this great pleasure, you can ask of the council for one thing."

"I don't want anything. I just want Chun Mei and Ying Jun to be happy."

Back at home, I retreated into my room. Chun Mei and Ying Jun went for a walk, I guess to talk more privately. Mother couldn't stand the sight of me, bursting into tears and went to her room. Father remained at the Gathering Hall to go over the process of everything for my wedding.

"Rong Xin Jiejie?" Chun Mei entered through the doors as I combed through my hair.


"Are you really going?"

"I gave village leader my word."

"But! You've never even met the guy."

"Marriage is marriage whether I've never met him or not."

"But... you don't love him."

The comb came to a ragged stop.

"I know you love Ying Jun Gege."

"Stop it, Chun Mei."

"You've kept in in your heart. You never shared it with me, but I knew. I know you love him."

"He doesn't love me."

"Of course, he does."

Standing, I slammed the comb onto the dresser.

"He doesn't love me, Chun Mei. He loves you."


I continued, "He's never seen me in the way that he looks at you. You saw how he stepped out to defend you today. He didn't want you to be sent away."

"He only did that to help me."

"Do you think he would have done that if it was me?"


"He wouldn't. No one here cares about me."

"Don't say that, Rong Xin."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. I have to prepare for tomorrow."

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