Chapter 119: Fifth Life - Your Smile is Long-Awaited Bliss

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After watching the firework show, Yang Zi Huo forces me to partake in the festivities. They are selling all sorts of trinkets and firework sticks. They even have games for people to play in competition with each other.

"Zi Huo, you gonna play?" A young man asks. By his side is a young woman, perhaps his partner.

"Yeah, we'll play." Not surprisingly, Yang Zi Huo agrees.

I pull his sleeve, and he bends his head down to my level. "What are they doing? Whatever it is, I don't want to do it."

"Come on, it will be fun. It's a race. Whoever finishes first wins a bag of rice."

I lightly slap his arm. "You don't need that! You have mountains of riches and rice bundles back at Bleak Night."

"Yeah, but this is free."

"Why you--"

"Come." He drags me by the arm over to the start of the line.

The announcer whistles loudly for our attention.

"All right! All right! Couples line up!"

We all shuffle ourselves accordingly. Looking down the line, I see fourteen couples including me and Yang Zi Huo.

Wait a minute.

We aren't a couple!

I whisper to him, "Yang Zi Huo, we shouldn't participate. This is for couples only--"

The announcer interrupts my complaint to Yang Zi Huo.

"Women get on your man's back. Men get ready to run!"

"Yuxing, put this aside for now." He grabs my roll of fabric and tosses it aside.


Not paying attention to him, I'm caught off guard when he scoops me up onto his back. I cling onto his shoulders whimpering loudly out of embarrassment.

The men ready themselves, their legs stiff. Judging from the looks of some women, they are eager to win just as much as their partners. Some are just as embarrassed as me.

"Women! Give your man some encouragement!" The announcer orders.

He walks up to a couple down the line and asks the woman, "You. Say something for your dear partner."

"You can do it, Peng Ge Ge! For my love will reenergize you!"

The crowd watching cheers loudly. I, however, am about to gag.

The announcer moves down the line. "And you! What words will you say to encourage him?"

She responds, "I... I will make your favorite roasted pork for you every day of your life!"

More cheering ensues.

The man carrying her smiles and says, "I'll win for you, Yong Yong!"

Stepping in front of Yang Zi Huo, the announcer laughs, "Young Master Yang! You finally have a partner this year! Just who is this that has made you so lonely all these years?"

Yang Zi Huo says, "Her name is Yuxing."

"Miss Yuxing! What words of encouragement do you have for Young Master Yang?" The announcer asks me.


Of course, the crowd along with everyone in line and the announcer leans forward to hear my answer.

I cough and say, "You are capable."

There is a scattered of sluggish applause from the crowd. The announcer looks dissatisfied with my answer.

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