Chapter 39: Third Life - No Going Back

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As soon as I entered the main courtyard of Crimson Snow Valley, a circle of students aligned around me. I observed the weapons in their hands as they await Master's orders. It wouldn't be easy for me to overtake them all, but if I exerted all my strength, it was possible. However, I was still healing from the Star Gem's injury, and I couldn't possibly take on Master myself.

"Look who decided to come back," Master came out from the main hall with hands behind her back.


"I thought you deserted your role here, Luo Na Li."

Kneeling on one knee, I raised my hands together, "Master, I wouldn't dare."

"Did you feel shame for failing your mission? Is that why you ran away?"

"No, Master... I was injured during the mission and was resting before I could make the journey back."

"I'm surprised you came back at all. Not only did you fail to retrieve the Star Gem, but Sect Leader Song is accusing you of killing his two students."

Standing up, I defended myself, "Master, I did not kill them."

"That cannot be concluded on your words alone... Sect Leader Song wants your head. As your Master, am I not also to be blamed?"

"Then will Master do as Sect Leader Song demands? Hand me over? Abide by Sect Leader Song's words as with the other requests from the Immortal Sects?"

Frowning, Master did not like my tone. Looking down from her nose, she asked, "What are you talking about?"

Smirking, I announced to the whole sect, "Master has asked of me to kill many people on my assignments. Most of them corrupt individuals, but many that had no animosity with Crimson Snow Valley."

The students turned around to look at one another, doubting my words.

"Just what could be the reason to kill someone who has never come across Crimson Snow Valley?"

Senior Yue confronted me, "Na Li, do not question Sect Leader Zhao's orders. You've only just come back. Beg for mercy rightly and receive your punishment."

Master didn't pay attention to Senior Yue and asked, "Why didn't that little student come back with you?"

I replied, "She's dead."


"The Star Gem exploded and its powers killed her along with Sect Leader Song's disciples."

"How is that you were able to survive?"

"I don't know. What I do know is that the Star Gem's explosion means it is no longer available for use."

"Where did you go after getting injured then?"

"I rested in the wilderness to regain my energy. I feel as though Master does not trust my words?"

"It has come to my attention that you've been keeping secrets from me."

Don't tell me she has found out where Wu Dufeng is... If she has then that stupid kid won't be safe.

"You haven't been annihilating the targets from the assignments I've given you... Detective Ji is still alive. Living under a new identity, but I was sure last year you said you'd killed him."

"I'm sure he isn't alive anymore as of now?"

Master avoided my gaze.

"It's true. I haven't been killing all of the targets, but Master, the one who wanted Detective Ji dead isn't you, but Sect Leader Song."

Master remained silent.

"You've been using your sect followers as assassins for the Immortal Sects."

All of the students talked amongst each other, glancing in Master's direction.

"People who question the doings of the Immortal Sects deserve to know their place. Na Li, don't make me add you to that list of people," Master warned.

"Master, I've always looked up to you, believed in your vision for Crimson Snow Valley. Believing that you carry the honorable heritage of female warriors. Inspiring women like me to take our future into our own hands. Please tell me it is not true. Please tell me you've never used us to kill innocents for the Immortal Sects!"

Glaring, she replied, "You will do as I order without disobedience. Na Li, do not test my patience."

"Wu Dufeng was right. You'll never admit it. You and the other Immortal Sect Leaders will continue to  step on others to justify your means."

"Wu Dufeng? You're conspiring with the Demon Sect now, Luo Na Li?" Senior Yue questioned.

"I don't want to be a killer anymore."

"So what do you want to do?" Master's voice was stern.

"I will leave Crimson Snow Valley. If Sect Leader Song sends people after me, I will leave as to not complicate Master."

Master scorned, "You cannot leave. After all I've done for you, this is how you repay me... I cherished you the most, and you doubt my leadership, conspire with Wu Dufeng who is probably still alive and continuing to contaminate Jianghu. Luo Na Li, I'm not one to nag, but I cannot let you tarnish the name of Crimson Snow Valley."

The students surrounding me pulled their swords. I'm sure most of them have been waiting for this day. Looking up, I saw Senior Yue readying her spear.

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