Chapter four

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Cross: HUEHUEHUEHUE! Our plan is working! I got a new friend who will help me steal chocolate! Y/N and I are in the kitchen under the table right now. Soon we will proceed to the next part of our plan. "Ok, you ready Cross?" Y/N asks me. "I'm as ready as can be!" I say. "Good now, do as we planned!" Y/N says. I nod and we get from under the table. I lift her up and she reaches for the chocolate stash. Then suddenly we hear someone say, "What are you doing?!" We both turn our heads to face nightmare.

"Uhh hi?" Y/N says. "Why are you... wait you're trying to steal the chocolate aren't you?" Nightmare says a bit annoyed, this is my fourteenth time this week. "No, we're not!" I say quickly and try to reach for my knife accidentally dropping Y/N in the process, she already had the chocolate box in her hand and when she fell all the chocolate scattered around the room. "Oof" Y/N says. Nightmare sighs and picks her up. "Cross you better have cleaned this mess when I get back!" He shouts and walks away holding Y/N with his tentacles. "Bye" Y/N shouts. I sigh and start gathering the chocoltes

Y/N: Heheheh! Little does Nightmare know that I have a chocolate bar hidden in the back of my shirt. "Y/N we need to talk about something" Nightmare says sounding a bit worried. Huh, what should he be wortied about? "What is it Nighty, has something bad happened?" The words just came out of my mouth, without having to think bout it. "*sigh* here we are!" Nightmare says. I look around the room we just walked in.

"It looks like a throne room!" I say giggling at the word for no reason. "Its because it is a throne room" Nighty explains. "Ohhh" I say. He sighs and closes the door behind us. Its pretty dark in here. Then he puts on the lights. The room is full of beatiful carvings, Statues and a lot of golden things. "Wow, this is cool!" I shout and struggle out of Nightys tentacles to explore the Throne room. I swear if it would be possible my eyes would be stars right now! (your eyes actually turn into stars when you feel happy emotions) "Uhh, Y/N we need to talk, remember?" Nighty says. "OH UHH SORRY!" I say accidentally shouting. "My non-existent ears!" Nighty mutters.

I laugh nervously abd he sighs and says, "we have to talk about the fact of your sudden appearance, and a few rules, ok?" I look at him a little confused but smile and say, "Ok!" He laughs and starts to tell the rules,

"Okay so we'll start with the rules, rule number one, no fighting, running or yelling at the halls or at night, you can talk louder when the clock is 9:00am." I nod my head simple rules. "Rule number two, everybody eats dinner and lunch together, no-one will break this rule, Rule number three, try to do as I say" Try to? Wait... he must'ave changed it for me because i'm his sister. "Rule number four, Do not kidnapp or kill anyone without a purpose or without asking first" Wait what?! So if I have a purpose does that mean that I can kidnapp or kill someone? What kind of a rule is that? "And lastly rule number five, wait you dont need to know this"

(It is no sinning and no-one shall ruin your innocent mind)

I smile and ask, "What did we need to talk, about my sudden appearance?" "Well I kinda like didn't except you to really come back, and well, I don't have any stuff  for you or a real room, sooo you'll have to live in a room thats pretty small, i'd say the size of four closets" Nighty says. "Wait what really?" I ask. "Yeahh" Nighty says and continues, "but its only temporary we'll clean the attic for you" "I CAN LIVE IN A CLOSET, YAY!" I shout. He looks relieved. "And you'll have to use spare clothes for a while" He says. "Nah its ok!" I say.

"Heh good, oh and we'll have to find you a babysitter, were gonna be.... working and we don't want anything bad to happen" He explains. "But i'm 12 I dont need a babysitter!" I say. He just looks away. I sigh and walk out of the room.

When i'm in the living room I take the Chocolate bar and start eating it. "WhErE dId YoU gEt ThAt ChOcOlAtE bAr?" A glitchy voice asks, I turn around and face Error. "I uhhh, got it?" I try to think of a lie. Error looks at me with a face that tells me taht he didn't believe me. "Welp, gotta go!" I say and start running breaking the first rule.

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