Chapter eight

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Y/N: Cross is still running upstairs while holding a giggling me. "THIS MOST DEFINETLY DIDN'T GO AS PLANNED!" Cross yells and runs with me to his room and locks the door, then we look for a place to hide. We quickly hide under his bed. "Do you think Nighty will be mad?" I whisper to Cross. Then we hear him shouting, "Y/N M/N (middle name) DREAMER AND CROSS COMIC SANS YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW AND FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!"

We flinch. "I bet he is" Cross whispers back then we go queit and hope he'll not come looking for us, its only hoping... he knocks on the door and says, "I know youre in there! Just come out of the room and everything will be easier!" We shift under the bed moving closer to the wall and the shadows. "So youre playing hide and seek?" Nighty says creepily, "so be it"

Then everything goes queit, I look at Cross a bit scared and he looks back with the same expression, the expression of panic. I gulp and move closer to Cross. Atleast hes here so I wont have to be so scared. Were both shaking because Nighty can get a little mad if we dont listen to him. The silence feels so loud. Then suddenly I feel something slimy next to me us I gulp and look at the left side of me, its nighmare smiling creepily "Boo" He says. "AAAAAAAAA" Cross and I scream as we quickly get out from under the bed and run to the door. "Seriously you two need to grow up aand stop acting like babies" Nightmare says, hes now sitting on the bed. We have no time to answer because we open the door and run.

"IT WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER!" Cross shouts to me as we get to the stairs breaking the rule... again. "I KNOW WHY DID WE EVEN-" I start but I fall over and roll down the stairs hitting my head a few times. "FRICK!" I shout over and over again as I roll. But before I can roll all of the stairs down someone catches me...with strings, straight on my soul...which if I may, hurts like hell.

"MOTHERTRUCKER DUDE THAT HURT LIKE A BUTTCHEECK ON A STIVK!!!" I shout and say ow over and over again. "¡tS nOt My F@UlT yOu WeRe Br€aKiNg ThE rUlEs!1!" Error says. "AND WHAT THE FRICK IS UP WITH YOUR SOUL!" He continues not gliching at all clearly panicked. I look at my soul... shet I didbt realize it looks like this. "ITSJUSTTWOSOULSINONENONEEDTOTHINKABOUTITANYFURTHER!" I shout and struggle hurting myself even more but not caring.

"THATS NOT NORMAL AT ALL!" Cross shouts. Great now he's here. "Never seen a soul like that before" Killer says. Great now he's here. "Yeah it look spretty special and...weird" Dust says. Great now he's here. "Nah its cool" Horror says. Great now he's here. "What the heck happened to your beatiful two colored soul.. this bew soul is making me panicked!" Nighty says. Well shet now he's here. I open my mouth and close it.

"I think it has something to do with the black apple...I havent looked at ny soul before tho" I say and stare at my soul too. Its not supposed to be like that. Its supposed to have two sides, yes. But now it has the same kind of goo that Nighty is covered in, dripping from the top. "OK I LOVE MY SOUL!" I shout. Everyone just stares at me. "Y/N What the heck" Nighty says and continues, "Your soul is clearly not healthy and we need to fix that!" "But I know why its like that, its because of the apple I guess" I say and try to get away from the strings finally succeeding and falling down on my face.

"Ow" I say, but I dont move from the ground. Everyone is just talking and arguing about what to do with my soul, so I just sneak out of the room and outside. The fresh air hits my face and I giggle, finally some fresh air. I take my socks off and leave them in front of the door and run as far as I can go, feeling the freedom of running. I giggle and roll down. Then I spot the wilted tree and giggle more then run towards it probaply getting cuts on my legs. I stop running when I spot that someone is there. Someone is looking at the tree.

Hi, sorry I havent updated when I should have, but I have school and other shit going on, anyways its about to go down in the next chapter! And im not sorry for the cliffhanger MWAHAHAHAHAHAH

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