Chapter ten

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Y/N: "Are you my motherflipping brother/sister?" Dream and I ask at the same time. Then we both stare at each other for a while. "Looks like you are" we say at the same time again. Then we look at each other a little annoyed. "Stop copying me!" We shout. "NO YOU ARE COPYING ME!" We shout again. "Lets just say something random!" We shout clearly annoyed. Theres silence for a while. "Corn soup is good" We say.

Then we both yell in annoyance. "WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO MAKE YOU STOP COPYING ME?!" We yell. Silence falls then I say, "I HAVE CANCER!" Too bad Dream said the same thing. We look at each others with the frisk face. "Bruh" We say.

"Would you guys stop bickering its annoying" Ink says. We turn our heads towards him. "Sorry Ink!" Dream sayd while I say "As if". Then we both let out a reliefed sigh. "IS SHE YOUR SISTER?!" Blue shouts and points at me jumping up and down.

"Yup" Dream answers smiling. "WE SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE TACOS BECAUSE OF THIS REUNION!" Blue shouts. "YAAAS TACOOOS!" I shout back and he takes my hand and leads me to a nice looking house.

Dream: "So uhh thats your sister?" Ink asks me while rubbing his neck. "Yup!" I say and pop the p, while watching Blue and Y/N run to the house both laughing. They have so many positive emotions.

"What should we do with her? We cant leave her anywhere or Nightmare will find her" Ink says and brings me from my thoughts, back to reality. "Oh uhh, yeah, well maybe she could stay with us here! I think that would be the safest way!" I answer and look where Y/N and blue once where, they're now inside, propably making tacos.

(And everythikg I did from now on was deleted, somehow! Gosh I had done it so much further and now I have to write it again ughhhhh)


Nightmare: no. No. NO. this cant be happening! We coudn't find Y/N anywhere, yes they propably went outside, but shes nowhere to be found. We found some ink and paint here. Then a letter. I'm fearing the worst here. "Cross read it" I say coldly. Cross looks at me then at the letter, gouchs and starts reading.

Hello, Idiots.
As you may have seen, you cant find the little girl, (who said to be the biggest idiots sister) anywhere. Well its because I found her before you did. Don't worry, she's safe with us, Not. If you however want to see her ever again, send Error to Underswap alone, at thursday. We will send her to this tree a day after.

Tommorow is tuesday, so we have about three days. "We need a plan quick" I say my voice showing no emotions. But inside, I am filled with wrath.


Y/N: "Oof!" I shout as I trip over a cracked egg and fall ontop of a bag of flour letting he whole kitchen be covered in the white substance. "GOOD JOB Y/N NOW WE DONT NEED TO OPEN THE BAG!" Blue shouts and takes some flour from the table and puts it in a bowl that has some kind of a micture. I walk beside him and look at the micture, which doesn't exactly look good or edible. Meh. "IT TOTALLY NEEDS MORE SUGAR!" I shout and pour a bag of sugar in it. Wait did taco shells even need sugar or flour? Doesn't matter.

Dream: After Ink and I talked we walked inside to hear some shouting and some stuff falling from the kitchen and all kinds of other, not so promising noises. I sigh and sink deeper into the couch. Ink is upstairs in his room painting or drawing something, does it matter. "Y/N CAN YOU POUR SOME HONEY IN THE MICTURE BUT NOT TOO MUCH!?" Blue shouts to Y/N. I smile, they're getting along. "SURE THING" My sister shouts and then theres silence. Then sudddenly a pop. "OH NO NOW ALL OF THE HONEY IS IM THE MICTURE!" Blue shouts. "I HOPE THEY'RE OK WITH IT!" Y/N shouts. Oh cute, wait what. The whole bottle of honey!?

Yeahhhh slow updates I know you all hate it but i've just been down lately, no need to worry, im fine. But I promise the next chapter will come out sooner, hopefully. Lmao if anyone even is reading this.

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