part 1!!

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(oof cuties)


I just started writing this on a whim. I've read a few RusAme fics, but (not be be mean!!) some of them are difficult to read bc of misspelling and errors and stuff?? And some are just cringey in general?? (mine is too tho so whatever)

So yeah, here you go i guess.

I got the roommates idea from cylinxx's book, so go read their story if you want! It's also rusame.

Let me know if you find any mistakes that need to be fixed! Hope yall enjoy!

Russia checked his phone once more to make sure he had the right room number. 426.

He looked up at the brassy number plate on the door in front of him. 426.

Guess this is it, he thought to himself, pulling a key out of his pocket and sticking it in the lock next to the door handle. I hope I'm rooming with Germany, or -


No sooner had Russia pulled open the door, he was attacked by a small blur that launched itself at his midsection and wrapped him in a hug. Russia managed to keep his balance and look down. He recognized the red and white striped face that was pressed against his chest. "Meri?? What're you doing here?"

America squeezed him tighter, like he was trying to break Russia's ribs with the most enthusiastic hug ever. Russia held his arms up awkwardly while the smaller country continued to hug him. Should I hug back? Would that be weird?

Luckily, at that moment America pulled away from Russia, allowing him to breathe as America placed both hands on his hips and gave a wide grin.

"Dude, we're roomies! How cool is that?"

You've got to be joking.

"I thought you were going to a different university," Russia looked down on America. America was pretty small, standing around a head shorter than Russia, although when around others, America probably looked to be average height. Russia was just super tall, so most countries looked tiny next to him.

"Yeah, well, everyone else was going here," America shrugged, still baring his white teeth in a smile. "And besides, if I wasn't going here, then we wouldn't be able to room together! And then you'd be depressed without me!"

"As if," Russia muttered, closing the door behind him as he took another step into the dorm room. He glanced around and saw that America had already taken the liberty (lol) of spreading his shit everywhere. "So, uh, which bed is mine."

"Oh! You can have that one- HEY!" Russia swept all of the junk off the bed America had been pointing to. It fell to the floor to join the rest of the junk America had scattered around the room.

Russia ignored the insulted American and swung his suitcase onto the bed, flipping the latch and throwing it open so he could unpack. He could hear America grumbling behind him as the picked up the stuff Russia had brushed off the bed.

"I can't believe you're being so rude to your best friend," America muttered, sitting cross legged on his bed and crossing his arms. He was acting like a toddler, which honestly wasn't that unusual. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Best friend?" Russia asked incredulously, setting a neatly stacked pile of clothes onto the dresser. Since when were we friends?

America pointed to his own colors, and then at Russia's face. "Yeah dude, we're color bros!"

Russia rolled his eyes, turning his back on the American. Stupid. "Is France a color buddy too then?"

"Hmm," America hmmed. "Maybe."

Russia continued to unpack, hoping the other would stop talking so much.

"Still, I'm glad I get to room with you!" America persisted, bouncing on his bed while sitting. "I wanted to room in 420, but Jamaica and Bro-zil got it before I did."

Russia winced at the mutilation of Brazil's name. "Why aren't you rooming with Canada?"

America stilled his movements, giving a bright laugh even though Russia hadn't said anything remotely funny. "He already gets to see enough of me at home. I might as well give him a little space now!"

"That's... considerate."

"Hey, don't sound so surprised!"

Russia snorted, pulling a few shirts out of his suitcase. "Be honest with yourself Meri, when have you ever been selfless?"

America hesitated for a bit too long before laughing. "Oof, that hurt bro!"

Russia wondered for a second if what he said had been mean, and then dismissed the thought. Since when did he care about others' feelings?

"I'll have you know I'm plenty selfless," America continued. "I sacrifice stuff for Canada, Britain, uhh... Australia... " He paused to think.

"That's what I thought," Russia muttered.

"... Mexico, France, Brazil, India, Japan - "

"Okay, now you're just listing all your friends," Russia interrupted, a tiny smile on his face as he turned to watch America count over his fingers with a shit-eating grin.

" - Italy, Ireland, Norway, Israel, Sweden, Germany - "

Russia bent down to pick up a tacky 'welcome to the gun show' pillow decorated with tiny rifles.

" - Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria, Columbi- OOF!"

Russia smacked America in the face with the gun pillow before dropping it. "You can shut up now."

America managed to muster up another grin. "What, jealous you don't have as many friends as me?"

"As if."

Neither of them said anything for a few moments, just looking at each other. How am I going to survive with this dimwit as a roommate? Russia wondered, crossing his arms. I guess it could be worse though...

America broke the silence by looking at his Mickey Mouse watch. "I was going to head to the dining hall before you came, but I wanted to wait so I could see who my roomie was. Want to go with me now?"

Russia shoved his empty suitcase under the bed with his foot and looked at his side of the room. Everything was in place. "Sure, why not."

"Coolio!" America bounced off his bed and brushed by Russia, touching his shoulder with his hand as he went. "Let's go, bro!"

Russia rubbed his shoulder and followed America out of their room.


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