chapter 2

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Upon hearing the alarm bell, Laura woke up and stretched .it was Saturday so she allowed herself  to stay more on bed, she then headed towards her bathroom, washed her face and teeth, she entered her closet and started looking for her workout clothes. After spotting them, she wore them. She got out of the house and started her morning jog. In the two years after finding out her husband cheating on her, she filed a divorce paper, and after three session, she finally divorced nick, he didn't agree in the beginning, but when he realized that Laura will never get back to him he chose to set her free. After obtaining her divorce Laura decided to move to another place to try to forget him. It was so hard the first months, she truly loved him, but every time she remembered the scene of her husband and her best-friend, she despised them.

Laura eventually told her parents about what happened to her, they tried to convince her to not divorce him. That it will look bad in front of the whole family and their friends. Even her mom told her that it was a normal for men to cheat on their wife. That came as a shock for Laura, hearing her mother supporting nick's cheating it was insupportable. That was the last straw for her. she couldn't stay in an a toxic environment like this, so she decided to move from the city.

Luckily the company that she was working for had another location in another city, so her boss accepted her favor as long as she will stay working at the same company. Laura tried to focus on herself more, she didn't imagine herself married again, she won't bear another betrayal.

she started taking care of herself more , she started working out and that boosted her confidence. During her marriage she neglected herself and gained a lot of weight.

It was Monday, and she had a meeting with a new client. Laura was an interior designer, she loved her job, she was always fond of creating new things and her job enables her to do so.

At 10 AM her assistant knocked on the door, notifying her about the client's arrival

"Let him in please "she said to her assistant.

She stood up and started straightening her pencil skirt , getting rid of any wrinkles. After hearing footsteps she raised her eyes to look at her client, and was met with a beautiful set of brown eyes, they were holding a warm vibe, his smile was enticing and she found herself smiling too.

"Hello I'm Colton" he greeted her and holds out his hand for her to shake it.

"Hello sir, how are you" she greeted back while shaking his hand, it was firm and it enveloped her small hand which gave her a feeling of security.

"I'm fine." he withdraws his hand quickly as if he got an electric shock. And stared strangely at her "Actually I'm in a bit of hurry and I would like to start working as soon as possible" Laura couldn't fathom his change of demeanor, he was tense, he didn't understand why he felt the shot of electricity when he shook her hand, he felt drawn to her .maybe because it was a long time since he was in a relationship, but he felt the need to protect her and stay with her.

"Um..... Okay I know that you just built your house, and you need my help to decorate it .Actually I have some plans to show you and we can figure out what to do afterwards" at her last word she looked at him and found him staring intently at her. He cleared his throat

"Sounds good to me". They started working, Laura showed him numerous plans that she created some of them caught his eyes, she has talent he thought, every model was better than the previous one.

After 2 hours of discussing the plans, they agreed on several ones .Each one for a room. Laura clasped her hand and sighed in content, she was happy that they did some progress.

"I need to visit the house to have a good look at it "Laura said

"Okay you can come tomorrow. I can spare some time from work to meet you there. Here's my address" he handed her the address of his house and nodded his head.

"I will see you tomorrow" he turned and started heading towards the door he stopped for a moment which made her think that he was about to say something, but he decided against it and closed the door without looking back. He didn't even shook her hand she thought to herself ,but what she didn't know was that he was scared to feel that shot of electricity he felt when he shook her hand the first time.

in the evening Laura met her best friend Cassie in a fancy restaurant, Laura wanted to go home and curl on her bed and watched Netflix .that was the best evening for her, but Cassie insisted on meeting her outside, stating that's she's not getting any younger and she has to enjoy her life, that it's been two years since she dated someone, but Laura knew deep inside that she's not able to trust any man, her husband's betrayal was so shocking and it affected her massively.

"So how was your meeting with the client?" Cassie asked her with a twinkle in her eyes, she decided not to tell her about how she felt when they shook hands. She knew that Cassie won't stop teasing her about it, so she tried to act nonchalant.

"It went well, it wasn't hard to agree on the plans, the house is pretty massive though, which means that the project will take longer than what I thought" she sighed resting her head on seat "I'm so tired "she groaned trying to woo her so she can let her go home.

"No way, this trick won't work this time, we're staying here, and maybe after eating you can go home with someone" Laura looked at her and she found her wiggling her eyebrows and looking at something behind her. She turned and saw a man looking at her with a charming smile, but it only made him look creepy. He raised his glass of wine upon looking at him. She turned and sighed loudly, she didn't want any man attention except Colton's, as soon as she had that thought she shook her head trying to get rid of will only hurt you she said to herself.

"Are you okay "her best friend asked noticing Laura's demeanor

"I'm okay "she mumbled she didn't want to ruin the night for Cassie, she has been nothing but supportive to her and she didn't want to come out as ungrateful, she forced a smile on her face. The rest of the night was filled with laughter reminiscing about their college life, and their embarrassing childhood stories

"Thank you I really enjoyed the night" she gave her a smile a real one this time. It wasn't a lie , her friend made her laugh that she forgot the warm brown eyes that captivated her the morning , even if it was just for a couple of minutes .

As they started gathering their things to leave the restaurant, she heard a clear of throat behind her. She turned and saw the man that was looking at her during all their dinner , she looked at him and his smirk made her shudder of disgust.

"Yes Can I help you?" she knew that she was being mean, but she just wanted to scurry away from him, she thought that acting this way, he will get that she wasn't interested in talking to him and leave, but maybe he was that stupid since he stepped towards her invading her personal space, she stepped back and glared at him.

"Actually I was wondering if you can have a glass of wine with me" he smirked again and she wished she could wipe it from his face

"No thank you" she retrieved her purse and tried to get past him, but he blocked her

"I mean no harm I just want to get to know you more and be friends "

"I'm sorry, but I'm in hurry can you move?" she bite on her cheek trying not to lose her temper

"Get away from her or I will call security " her best friend said. Upon hearing her aggravated voice, he finally moved

"I hope I will see you another time "he smirked with a nod and retreated back to his seat

"Asshole" laura muttered, she grabbed her best friend's arm, and they both strode outside of the restaurant.

"the nerve of the guy " Cassie hissed, Laura chuckled and they both started laughing, she always find it funny when her best friend got mad , she will got all red and flustered like she was about to murder someone.

"Come on let's go home, I will see you later "she kissed her on the cheek, and headed towards her car. What an eventful day she thought.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have any remarks or questions, please feel free to share them.

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