Chapter 3

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In the morning at 8 am, Laura woke up, took a shower. Today wasn't a busy day for her, she had a meeting with Colton at his house at 11 am, and another meeting at 4 pm. After finishing her breakfast, she headed towards her closet and picked a floral skirt that arrived to her knees, she matched them with some nude heels .it was a warm and sunny day, which made her happier. She loved the spring. Satisfied with her outfit, she picked her purse and her laptop and got out of her apartment.

Laura typed the address on the GPS and headed towards his house. It was a beautiful neighborhood, she was sure that it cost a fortune to buy a house here, she parked in front of the house,

She realized that the pictures didn't do justice to his house, it was magnificent. It was big for just someone who is living alone. Maybe he was living with someone else, she shrugged off the thought.

After standing there for a couple of minutes, she rang the door's bell. The door opened and she was met another time with the same brown eyes that captivated her, Colton found himself smiling, at the sight of her.

"Hello, Come in" he opened the door more so she can enter the house, she let her eyes wander around. The inside of the house was bare which enabled it to look more spacious. She already started having more ideas on the decoration, she smiled inwardly

" Now I have more ideas " she said turning to look at him , she found him staring at her hard, which made her shudder but not in disgust , in something else that she wasn't ready to admit.

"Shall we start working?" Colton asked as he headed toward a corridor on the left, she followed right after him. She took the time to check him out. His hair looked soft and she itched to run her fingers on it, he had really broad shoulders, she tried not focus on his rear, she kept her eyes focused on his back , she didn't noticed him stopping and she dove right into his back .

She jumped away from him, and lost her balance, she was ready to feel the thud of her back making contact with the floor , but instead she felt an arm snaking around her keeping her from falling .she opened her eyes and looked right into Colton's eyes, it felt like the time stopped and it was just the two of them .His eyes held such intensity that made her frozen in her spot ,she couldn't move neither was he , she felt his face leaning slightly towards her, she pushed him away but he didn't move .

"If you push me away, you will fall" his voice was raspy and she gasped when she saw his eyes darkening.

"I... I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that.... that you stopped "she stuttered evading his gaze.

He gave a light  chuckle and straightened his back. He withdrew his arm from around her and she promptly felt cold.

"Come in "he gestured to his room, she nodded and entered the room .it was an office. it was the only room that was furnished she guessed.

"It's the only room that is furnished" he said reading her thought "it was the same as my previous office, I didn't want to change it" he sat in his chair with his legs stretched in front of him like he owned the place , well he actually own it she thought.

After telling her about what he wanted his house to be. She found out that he had a good taste. His house was big, and he wanted it to look cozy. It was easy for them to agree on some decoration and furniture.

"I want to visit the entire house, so I decide how to lay things out" she said

"Okay let's start then" he took her to every inch of the house, she took some pictures. After thirty minutes of visiting, they settled again in his office room, and they started deciding on the decorations they were all business, and the scene that happened before felt like it never happened.

About one hour after, it was time for lunch, they didn't finish work yet, so he offered to have some Chinese food delivered to his house. While eating they started to get to know each other. it turned out that he was a CEO of a construction company . His parents were still alive and they lived in Los Angeles , he was thirty one years old while she was twenty seven , she didn't tell him that she was married. That was too personal.

The conversation between them was so fluid and they jumped from one topic to another. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they weren't aware of someone standing on the door watching them with interest, until they heard a clear of a throat, which startled Laura. It was a beautiful woman. She had long slender legs, blond hair cascading down her back like a curtain. She was smiling genuinely at them.

"well I see that you have company" she said heading towards them ,she leaned to kiss him on the cheek, Laura felt a pinch in her chest . All the hard work that she has done to get her confidence back seemed pointless now. She started convincing herself that she was beautiful too, remembering all the speeches of motivation and self love that she used to listen to.

Shaking all bad thoughts from her head, she shook her hand.

"Hello I'm Laura I'm an interior designer" she said with a forced smile. Colton was watching Laura while sipping his coke. He noticed that she wasn't as cheerful as she was a couple of minutes ago.

"Hello I'm Juliette, I'm Colton's fiancé" as soon as she finished her sentence, Colton shocked on his coke and started coughing.

Juliette strode towards him and started patting him on the back .it seemed too intimate to Laura she was so angry at herself that she let him get into her, she liked him Laura admitted inwardly. She vowed to never put herself in this state but eventually she did.

Not bearing to look at them more she decided to leave them alone. He stepped away from Juliette and noticed Laura heading towards the door.

"Laura stop, let me introduce you properly" he grabbed her gently by the elbow "Juliette this is Laura, she's an interior designer, she's helping me to design my house, Laura this is Juliette my sister" he growled at his last word and glared at Juliette. Upon hearing his last word, Laura's head jerked and twisted to face him, he was smiling at her like he knew what was happening in her mind. She heard a chuckle and looked at Juliette and found her smirking

"no need to get your panties in a twist brother, I was just joking with you" she raised her arms in surrender "I just wanted to check on you since you weren't answering my calls" she turned serious and pointed her finger on him "next time you don't answer my call I will do worse "at that her face broke into a smile as if nothing happened. «Nice to meet you Laura I look forward to see you again" she turned her gaze towards Colton and said "can I talk to you alone?"

Laura felt as if she was being dismissed she looked at Colton and said "call me so we can schedule a meeting" and she left.

Colton looked at his sister who was grinning widely "why did you do that?"

"You like her don't you?" she asked

"No" he replied quickly. No he couldn't like her. He said to himself .maybe he just needed to get laid so he can forget her, it's been so long since he was in a relationship and it was affecting him now.

" you know that you like her or else you wouldn't tell her that I'm your sister, when I pulled that stunt" she said softly "and she likes you too" Juliette added with a mischievous smile

"How would you know it?" he asked tilting his head. Does Laura really like him, he thought, sure the moment that they had when she ran into his back, the way she started stuttering, and when she blushed proved to him that he had an effect on her.

"You should have looked at her face when I kissed you, and when I said that I was your fiancé" seeing his thoughtful face she sighed." whatever. I should go now but I'm warning you, Next time don't ignore my calls"

Colton sighed and settled on the couch in his office. After a couple of minutes of thinking, he figured out that he will let things go and if something was bound to happen between them, he won't be against it.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have any remarks or questions, please feel free to share them.

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