Chapter 25

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Hello everyone. Thank you for your feedback on my last chapter. as promised I randomly chose two readers who commented on my last chapter to dedicate this chapter to them.

Do i dedicate this chapter to  lilabby7  and janedoe0917  .Thank you for reading my story and for your feedback.

If you want me to dedicate my next chapter just vote and comment on this chapter. I love you all and thank you again for your support.

Colton was aimlessly driving. Earlier he received a call informing him that the pictures weren't real. He thought about going to the bar again and got himself drunk to forget about all of this, but the thought of what happened yesterday after he was drunk stopped him cold. He messed up and this time Laura will never forgive him. He still didn't remember anything after his last memory, which made him angry. How can he be this irresponsible? He tried to call Laura's phone, but he was greeted with her voicemail. He remembered her last words 'you have to fix yourself Colton'.

"I will fix myself. I will "he said to himself. He went to her office to see if she was there, her assistant told him that she wasn't there and she took a couple of weeks off. He was shocked. Laura's boss saw him and headed towards him.

"Good morning Mr. Hensley" Lydia greeted him.

"Good morning" Colton shook her stretched hand.

"I assume you're here to meet your new interior designer"

"What do you mean?" Colton asked confused.

"I assumed that Laura told you that she will no longer work on your project" Lydia frowned

"I don't understand what you're talking about" he said through gritted teeth

"Your project is no longer assigned to Laura" Lydia clarified." Laura told me that you no longer get along with other" she paused for a moment and continued "I'm sorry for that, but I assure you that Dane is as handworker as Laura, you won't find any problem with him".

Colton kept staring at her for a while not believing what Laura did. Lydia started to feel self-conscious under his hard stare, she cleared her throat.

"Do you want to meet him Mr. Hensley?"She asked

"Not now" he shook his head, and got out of the company

Laura was packing her clothes, when she felt someone watching her. She turned her head and found Susann leaning on the door watching her with a sad face.

"Do you need help packing your clothes?" Susann asked

"I got it" Laura replied ,smiling faintly at her.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

"Positive, I need to deal with this alone." after a long silence she said " It feels like a déja vu right?" she chuckled humorlessly. "Me finding my lover cheating on me and then running away"

"You're not running away Laura" Susann said as she walked over to her. "you're just having time for yourself, there's nothing wrong with that" Susann took her hand and gave it a squeeze." I just wish that I was there with you" she pouted.

"I won't take long. It's just two weeks momma" Laura used her nickname to appease her.

"When will you go?"

"Tomorrow. I will meet Cassie today, she's just came from a business trip, I need to see her, and then when I come back I want to sleep with you" she said with a faint smile.

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