Chapter 20

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Happy new year everyone!!

"Nick, nick, nick. Don't you think I waited too long" Randolf, a gang leader smiled sinfully showing a gold tooth on the left side of his mouth.

"I...I need time" nick stuttered

"Time? You need time?" the man slapped gently nick's cheek.

"Yes. I need two months" nick gulped.

"I already gave you five months, and you still didn't give me anything" the man snarled. "You know right? You know what happens to the people who don't pay their debts"

Nick gulped "I promise you I will pay my debt, I just need some time"

"okay" the man drawled, I will give you a month, and if you don't pay me" He withdrew a knife from his pocket and stroke it against nick's cheek "I will have the pleasure to slice you face"

Nick gulped and closed his eyes, two drops of sweat ran down his temple" I promise you will have your money".

Laura's head was dropped in Susan's lap, she told her everything that happened between them from the first time they met until earlier, and she felt quite relieved that she got that out of her chest. She always felt safe whenever she was with Susan. She remembered the time when she was a kid. When she always hoped to wake up and found out that her mother was Susann rather than Rebecca. And when she used to sneak out the night and go to the basement to sleep with Susan.

"I miss the times when I used to sleep with you" Laura's eyes were closed. Her nose and cheeks were red from the previous crying.

"Yeah I also miss your mother's expression when she finds you sleeping next to me" Susann joked while stroking Laura's head.

Laura smiled softly as she remembered the scene. Her mother never liked Susan if it wasn't for Laura begging her dad to keep her, she would have fired her a long time ago.

"What if you sleep with me today?" Susann suggested.

"No I don't want to disturb you or your cousin"

"My cousin won't be here tonight, she's a nurse, and she has a shift tonight"

"Okay, I will stay the night" just as the words left Laura's face, the front door opened, and a woman in her thirties entered the apartment.

"Susann, who is this?" the woman scowled.

"Hey Marta, you told me you had a shift tonight" Susann tried to smile.

"Answer the damn question" the woman snapped.

"wow, you don't have the right to talk to her like that" Laura interfere.

"I can talk to her however I want" Marta glared at Laura, she turned her sharp gaze towards susann" I told you in the morning that you have two days to look for another place to stay in and now you're bringing people to my home without my permission."

"It's my fault, she didn't know that I was coming" Laura said

"And who are you?" Marta asked.

"I'm Laura, Susann was my nanny"

"Okay Laura, I need you to get out of my apartment" Marta said sweetly. Laura looked disbelievingly at Marta. she opened and closed her mouth a couple of times not knowing what to say.

She stood up from the couch and looked at Susann and said

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" she gestured towards the front door. Susann nodded.

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