Chapter 30

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Hello everyone. i hope you're doing well. I dedicate this chapter to haopusingson09  and to pauaitoe    .Thank you for reading my story and for your feedback.

"What are you doing here?" She frowned and then the realization that she was part of their plot hit her "I can't believe this" she muttered while shaking her head.

"You have 50 seconds to sign the papers" Nick said calmly. The room fell in a heavy silence. Laura could her heart beating frankly against her chest. Her hair was sticking on her forehead. She touched the side of her lips with her tongue and winced at the sharp pain she felt. She started tugging at the rope that was binding her hands together trying to free herself.

"Thirty seconds is left" nick broke the silence. He stood up and walked slowly towards Laura. Every step he took towards her, Laura felt that she was nearing her death. Her eyes widened when she saw him retrieving a gun from his back and pointed it at her. She stilled. Tension overwhelmed her body. She looked down unable to see the revolver pointed at her.

"Please don't "she begged looking down. She tugged hard and she felt the rope loosen up. She felt the adrenaline coursed through her at the thought of freeing herself and saving her dad.

"Ten seconds" he yelled.

"You don't have to do this Nick. You're not a killer" she said her eyes closed, Hoping that it was true, that the man who she was married to would never kill someone. Her heart was beating frankly in her chest, and tears were flowing down her face as a waterfall.

"Wait" Rebecca interjected. Laura sighed of relief when he diverted the gun from her direction. "look at him." nick looked at him and saw him shaking his head and trying to move. He smirked and headed towards him.

"Hurry up old man, sign this" he gave him a pen and with a shaky hand, henry signed the papers. Henry looked at Laura and mouthed "I love you' as if he knew what was about to happen next .Nick felt a jolt of happiness when henry signed the paper. "Since you signed these papers giving Rebecca all of your possessions, we don't need you anymore" he pointed the gun to his head and fired. The bullet went right through henry's head, killing him at the spot.

Laura gasped when she heard the shot. It rang out with a deafening roar. Her hands went automatically to her ears and pressed them tightly, trying to isolate her from the world. Her eyes were wide and her breath was coming in short gasps. She opened her mouth but no scream came She couldn't divert her gaze from her father lying lifelessly on the floor. She promised her dad that she will save him, how would she be able to continue living with this burden? Horrified she wasn't able to look away from her dad. He wasn't moving. He wasn't looking at her.

"Why did you kill him? This is not what we agreed to" Britney said her eyes wide .Her hands were shaking in a trembling rhythm.

"You weren't saying this when you wanted the money" nick snapped.

Britney was about to speak when the front door busted open and Colton stepped into the room.

"Colton?" Britney's eyes widened as she saw him standing on the door. Colon's eyes scanned the room and found Laura curled at her side, her hands were pressed over her ears and she was having trouble breathing. He took a step towards her but the nick's cold voice ordered him to stop.

"What are you going to do? Kill me too" Colton's jaw tightened as he looked at nick and glared.

"Yes If I want to" nick smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

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