chapter 22

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thank you guys for your feedback on my last chapter! it means the world to me have people who read my story and interact with me. thank you again. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Laura I'm sorry for what I said give me a chance please"

"Laura we need to talk"

"Don't give up on us please"

"I'm coming to your place right now"

"Answer your phone please" it was late in the afternoon, Laura was sitting in her car in front of her building listening to all the voice messages that Colton left. She felt like she was in front of a closed door, which no one has the key to open it. People always were conflicted between using their hearts or their minds, and that was Laura's state now. Her heart was begging her to get back to him to forgive him, while her mind was telling her the opposite. Those cruel words he said to her will stay registered in her mind forever. He hurt her on purpose. He said those words on purpose to hurt her, and that scared her, made her think of the future they will have together. What if they argue once they got back together? He will do the same thing again, he will say the same words to hurt her, and she didn't want to live with a man like this. She knew that she was at fault: she was the one who didn't tell him about her previous marriage, but that was a low blow from him.

She finally decided to get out of her car and walk to her apartment. When she opened the door, her place was filled with the smell of her favorite dinner: pasta. Susann peeked at her from the kitchen, and smiled at Laura.

"I have a surprise for you" Susann beamed at her

"You prepared pasta" she smiled happily at Susann. She nodded

"I thought you might miss the pasta I used to prepare to you"

"I did miss it" Laura confirmed.

"Good thing I'm here then" she joked. Laura walked to her nanny, gave her a tight embrace;

"Yeah good thing you're here momma" Laura mumbled.

"Go change, so we could have dinner "Susann said as she gently patted Laura's back.

They were sitting on the dining room, eating their dinner in silence when Susann said

"So, did you visit Colton's mom today?"

"I did" Laura answered curtly.

"How is she?"

"She's fine"

"Did you go to work?"

"No" she shook her head

Susann frowned her eyebrows. "why?"

"I wasn't feeling well" Susann put her fork on the table

"Are you okay now" she asked worriedly.

"I will be" Laura gave her a faint smile.

"Did you see Colton today?" Susann asked. Laura shook her head while she popped a forkful of pasta in her mouth.

"He came here asking to see you. I figured that you were in your workplace so I told him to go there." Laura just nodded her head.

"Laura, darling, the man that I saw this morning is madly in love with you. Even a blind man can see it. Why don't you put all this problems behind you? We all make mistakes right. We're humans. I don't know what he said to you, But try understand him." Laura abruptly let go of the fork in her hand and said angrily:

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