Chapter 9

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eyo, here we go again

Just saying, I wanted this to be a short fanfiction. Like 15 chapters or so short. It's been a slow journey so far, imma speed it up now!

And just in case, it is 100 percent a Sherlock x reader. DRAMAAAAA LOL


Walking out of the cab, and into the rainy street you let out a gasp. Rain paraded down, hitting the streets hard. When did the rain start? You were staring out the window the entire time, how could you have missed this?

"(Y/N), come on, get inside, what are you doing here?" His voice registered differently now. As thoughts on Sherlock swirled your mind, you let yourself be grasped by Mycroft. You let him lead you inside. You were here to talk to him after all. 

You came all this way. 

Because you wanted to.

Not because Sherlock pitied you or anything regarding love. You just needed a break and if Sherlock wasn't going to focus on work, then his brother would. 

"Seriously, why are you here?" You looked up into his soft eyes and shrugged your shoulders. 

"I uh, I'm not sure, I wanted to work."

That's all you had to say before Mycroft nodded and lead you all the way to his office. You walked not really paying attention. 

Why does Sherlock effect you this much? You were like a child. Behaving rashly, running out of the room. Seeking comfort from someone. No, you shouldn't feel like this. For god's sake, you were (Y/N)! You were better than the Holmes boys. You never needed this kind of comfort before. 

You immediately stopped, Mycroft getting whiplash by the sudden movement. His arm let go and he looked back at you curiously. 

"Something on your mind (Y/N)," to prove to yourself that you didn't need comfort, nor love. That's why you did it. You needed to prove that love wasn't something people needed to exist. Besides what is love exactly?

To prove it. That's what you told yourself.

That's why at that moment he asked, you leaned in and kissed him.

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