Chapter 12

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Ok, so here's another chapter.
Picture is of BTS ❤️


Chapter 12

It didn't take long for you after the house went silent to write out a report of what you deduced happened at Moriarty's scene.

Sherlock didn't come back, John went to go home to Mary, and Mrs. Hudson was off doing Hudson things, making tea or something outlandishly dangerous. She's a wild card really.

You set off to work, ignoring the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your own actions. There will be time for that later.

You didn't realize why it hurt so much, why everything mattered to you so much. You said it yourself that you never needed the companionship of another, that love wasn't worth the worry. It was something that mundane people held onto because the mere thought of happiness made them do ridiculous things.

You were callous, by yourself.

And you were finished your report, unlike Sherlock, you actually did paperwork. You didn't let Greg have to worry about some mad man coming in figuring everything out and then leaving before he had to do any sort of work. Besides, if you did the paperwork you were given money and that helped pay rent.

Being with Sherlock for so long, you learned money wasn't always important, he had his brother or parents ready to help him.

You walked slowly before scanning said document to send to the police station. Faxing it. You always laughed at when people talked about faxing. How useless it is, they can print it out for themselves.

It's like this, when places are still run the same for generations, things tend to not be updated simply due to 'it still works'.

You checked your phone, planning to call Sherlock to tell him you figured everything out when you paused at the time. It was 7 am in the morning.

Time is weird.

(a bit boring but, had to be done. This is how you live and make money in the world though, I always found that aspect of stories to be cool!)

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