Chapter 11

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And continuing lol This chapter is longer than I expected. But I wanted to continue writing after the last chapter so now 2 updates in one day! Quite unlike me, but I'm glad to write this. It's quite fun. Wasn't sure who to put as the picture, I mean it's like random at this point. I properly put him as the picture already but it is in fact JAMES MCAVOY! Loved him in x-men, he's so cute with his curly hair :D Still like him with it though lol. Charles Xavier anyone ;)


You left the building a few hours afterwards. You went and accomplished what you wanted. You worked on the case that Sherlock had given you earlier in the day. You spent time with Mycroft learning more about him, and when that got boring you spent time in his office in complete silence. 

You didn't hate the silence. You welcomed it to be exact. It gave you time to think about what was happening, to actually process that you came here and kissed Mycroft. 

Thankfully, Mycroft understood that asking him question would absolutely confuse and make you uncomfortable so after you kissed him you didn't hear his voice a lot. 

It was only when you left the building he brought up the topic again. 

"So, I guess this means I can do this when you leave from now on," You head spun as you looked to Mycroft, eyes widening as he quickly kissed your cheek and once again he distracted you from even responding by holding the door open for you to leave. 

You didn't hate the fact that he was the kinder of the two brothers. You knew if you went along with Sherlock's idea, it wouldn't end well. He would use the relationship as leverage for some unknown plan. 

After it was Adler who had claws in him. Not some child he met long ago. 

You sighed in frustration. Mycroft has more good sides than his younger brother could ever. He has more experience and understands human nature more. You could learn more from him than from Sherlock. 

Sherlock would enable your actions. You could do no wrong in his eyes. He wouldn't know what was right and wrong. He wouldn't help you become softer. When and when not to tell someone their family has been murdered, how to properly say it in a nice voice. 

Sherlock was understanding of one thing, the truth and facts. Nothing less and nothing more.

But that's honourable isn't? Like you care about the same thing. Nothing means anything unless supported by facts. That's just life. Moriarty is a perfect candidate for being a 'villain' because he has a true knack for corrupting the truth and fitting his own truths inside of facts. He has a way with words that is so convincing, everything gets confused and he seems good. 

That's what his victims says. Sherlock and I see through it, I never realized how many people fell under his manipulation trap until John and Mycroft pointed it out. I mean John had a bomb on him because he got tangled in a mess. 

"(Y/n)? How'd your meeting go with Mycroft, my dear?" Mrs. Hudson appeared in my vision, my keys were in the keyhole of a door that was now 2 feet away from me. 

"Uhh, how'd you know I was here?" I asked she opened the door as I was trying to unlock it. Mrs. Hudson grabbed my keys from the door and led me inside, locking the door. "Dear, I saw you out the window, you were standing outside the door, I thought you forgot your keys." She said and I let myself be lead once again.

"Sorry, a bit distracted." She nodded. 

"I'll meet you upstairs, I'll bring you some biscuits and tea ok? Remember don't take anything that horrid boy says, he's a good-for-noth."

"I kissed him."

"What?" I knew that shocked boring old voice. 

"Oh, hey John," You looked up the stairs to see him. His mouth was open. He always looks so dumbfounded these days. First this morning and now. 

"Excuse me, sweetheart, did you just say you kissed him because I'm sure I just misheard you," Her voice was always so genuine, so kind. 

"Ah, Mrs. Hudson, I'm afraid you heard correctly," Sherlock was putting his jacket on as he ran past us. His voice was tense as he tried his best to sound monotone. 

"I'll head upstairs, don't bother with the biscuit or tea thank you, Mrs. Hudson, I don't know what I would do without you," She nodded at you before heading inside her own home. John followed you inside, Sherlock has gone out. Probably won't hear from him for a while. You correctly assumed it was to do something about Mycroft and yourself.

"Hey, you know he's not good he-"

"Works for the government, I'm not saying that that means he's good, all government are corrupt somehow prove me wrong, but I trust him."

"(Y/n), he's well he's, bribed me to keep tabs on Sherlock the first time I met him," I nodded remembering when I was a child.

"He did the same to me, when he was in college he was worried about his little brother. That man doesn't know how to express his emotions properly, but they are still expressed," You said not paying attention to what you were doing. You put the milk back into the fridge before sitting down on Sherlock's chair, planning to wait until he comes back. 

"Don't do this, Sherlock cares about you, he's the same with his brother he doesn't know how to-"

"And what good will that do me? Love is pointless, a waste of time and emotion, this world would-"

"No, it wouldn't, without love this world would only have hate to feed on and it is full of wars. Believe me," You shook your head. John the soldier. 

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