Chapter 2

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"Guys this is so exciting!" Natasha jumped as the group made their way out the car. Bruce found an event near by at a park where people can do fun things with the foster kids to try and connect with them.

"I look like a wreck!" Steve said as they walked closer towards a table. "Tony I cant do this! We should go!"

"Steve Im as nervous as you are. Calm down don't worry we are Avengers. Just keep calm."

Steve nodded his head and Tony wrapped his hand around his. The two walked in front of the table with some ladies who were smiling at everyone.

"Good afternoon. We are here for the foster kid event." Tony smiled holding his husbands hand.

"Awwe. Welcome you all can sign in right here and wear these tags." A women with curly brown hair explained. "If you have any questions please feel free to ask me."

"What exactly do we do here?" Tony asked as he was the last to sign.

"Well here we have the kids playing and having fun just so the adults can observe them and see which one seems more fitting for your family. Talk to them, and once you think you have found the right one you can visit our office." The woman replied. "Now go and have fun good luck out there!"

Tony and Steve smiled as they walked in. Natasha and Clint went off to look around trying to find the perfect child for their leaders. Bruce decided to stay home and catch up on some lab work so it was just the four of them.

Kids were jumping on jumpers, playing games, and some sat alone. Steve noticed one small boy sitting by himself and walked over towards him.

"Hey Young one what's your name?"

"David." The boy replied. "I like demons!"

"No demon child in our house." Tony whispered to Steve. "Come on. Well it was nice meeting you David."

Nat and Clint both saw a girl who was playing tag with smaller kids. She was a red head and had brown eyes. "Let's talk to her!" Clint suggested as he walked towards her. "Hello What's your name?"

"Hi! Im Kenna." The girl smiled.

"Well Hello their Kenna Im Clint and that's my best friend Natasha. We have two friends who are looking for a child, would you like to meet them?"

"Sure!" The girl smiled walking with them. Natasha and Clint felt proud, they found a girl that may be perfect!

• • •

"None of these kids are interesting." Tony sighed frustrated as he ate an apple.

Steve put his arm on his leg for reassurance, giving a small sigh and nodding his head. "I know Tony.. we just got to keep searching you know?"

"Hello Guys we would like to introduce you to Kenna." Natasha smiled as the red head girl walked up towards them.

"Hello Kenna." The two smiled at the girl, she appeared to be 13.

"Hi. Im Kenna nice to meet you two. Where is your wife?" She asked looking around.

Everyone looked at one another and the two gave an awkward chuckle. Steve looked at Tony now wanting reassurance and Tony gave him a small nod.

"Well Kenna Im Steve and this is my husband Tony. We don't have a wife because we are married to one another." Steve explained.

The girl looked st them before taking a step back. "Ew gross. The Bible says that's a sin and gays will burn in Hell!"

"Uh Kenna Come here." Natasha said quickly walking off with her.

"Well that wow." Steve sighed.

"Sorry we didn't know." Clint said still a little shocked at what just happened.

"It's okay..." Tony said.

Natasha made her way back and all four ate some food before continuing on their journey. Tony turned everywhere hoping to meet every child their and that's when he saw a beautiful little girl sitting down next to a small pond as she drew in a book. Steve and Tony smiled before walking over to her.

"Hello What's your name?" Steve asked her as she looked upwards at the two and gave a small smile.

"Lilly-Anne." She smiled. "And whats yours?"

"I'm Steve and this is my husband Tony." Steve introduced.

"Nice to meet you two! So you both are looking to adopt a kid?" She asked sitting up and allowing them to sit on the bench.

"Yeah. So tell us about yourself." Tony smiled she stopped instantly and looked at the two with shock across her face.

"Woah Wait you both are Avengers right?" She asked them with a smile, the two nodded their heads and she smiled wider. "That's awesome. Well I'm Lilly-Anne and I'm 12 years old. I also love to draw."

"I do too!" Steve grinned. "Why are you not playing with everyone else?"

"I like to draw a lot it's kinda my happy place. And I kinda hate these things. I never get looked at considering I'm close to becoming a teenager. But being over in this area makes me happy." She explained as she stared straight ahead. "No one likes to adopt teenagers or pre-teens. Guess we are scarier. Adults think we do drugs and will kill them or something. So I just kind of avoid all the play areas letting little kids get chosen."

Tony and Steve both stared at one another their hearts melting. This girl was definitely the one! She was too perfect!

"And what group home do you go to?" Steve asked her as she looked up at the two.

"I go to the Lake-home Way Group Home." She said that's when the two men's phone buzzed and they looked down seeing a text from Fury.

"Oh great." Tony mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Lilly-Anne asked worried.

"We just got a text to do another mission. You know Avenger stuff. We have to go I'm so sorry."

"Oh don't be it's okay. You are after all hero's and need to protect the Earth. Good luck." She waved and the couple smiled before waving good bye, leaving.

They met up with Natasha and Clint at the car getting inside and Tony driving off.

"Did you find anyone?" Natasha asked.

"We think we did. She was very respectful." Steve smiled. "More matute than your average 12 year old."

"Cool!" Clint smiled.

"Now mission faces on." Tony stated.

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