Chapter 14

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Peter growled and punched the cable box making the video loose signal. Harley was freed and he began coughing up the water as Lilly-Anne started to cry loudly.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" The man yelled grabbing Peters hair. "YOU WILL GET THE SCAR!"

Harry and Norman suddenly walked in. Peter winced as the grip on his hair tightened and he was dragged to the floor.

"What's going on here?" Norman asked.

"This little bitch needs to be taught a lesson." The man growled.

Harry looked visibly upset. He stared at Peter and Peter looked back up at him with sadness. "Harry I thought you were my friend!"

"Harry? Your friend? Please! That was the plan all along. Why do you think he asked where you would be during Christmas Eve?" Norman smiled. "Go teach him a lesson. He has caused nothing but problems this whole time."

"Wait no take me!" Lilly-Anne cried out. "Stop hurting Peter!"

The man turned around and grabbed her small baby face. She looked up at him bravely sitting up straight causing the masked man to erupt into laughter. "You are too pretty to be hurt. You will join Morgan you two will make great money-"

"YOU BETTER NOT SELL MY SISTER AND MORGAN!" Peter growled. "Lilly-Anne be quiet! I will take it! Hit me you coward!"

"I'll take these two back to the room. Harry go feed Morgan. You do what ever you want with him just don't kill him." Norman instructed and Harry looked at the three kids one last time before walking out the room.

Peter sighed and felt himself get dragged away. He was hungry, his fast metabolism was making him grow weaker without food in his system. The masked man propped him up on restraints and opened up a drawer.

"Where should this scar be?" The man smirked. "Hands? Face? Maybe you and your dad should have the same damn whole in your chest!"

Peter was scared inside but didn't show it and just glared at him. The man walked over to him and touched his face smiling. Suddenly he brought up the knife and stabbed his stomach making Peter gasp.

"That won't kill you but I hope you learn your lesson." The man smiled before pulling out torturously slowly and grabbing a cloth wrapping it up. "Now that's going to leave a mark."

Peter was letting out silent sobs as he was dragged towards the room and thrown back inside. He yelled out in pain as his stomach hit the ground and he curled up into a ball.


Peter didn't even look up and instead just held onto his stomach as blood was falling. Harley carefully lifted him up and carried him over to the wall where he let him lay down on him. Lily-Anne held Morgan as she slowly made her way over to them.

"Peter... are you okay?" Lilly-Anne asked her breath shaky.

"..mhm. I-I'm o- ow! O-okay." Peter smiled. "Just tired and hungry."

The kids all huddled together and soon enough passed out. Letting the day of light drift away into the morning of Christmas.

• • •

The Avengers were a mess. No sign of the kids anywhere! They went around searching and searching but it was like they just vanished!! Christmas morning arrived but no smiles were shown. The presents under the tree laid alone and forgotten.

• • •

Morgan woke up and smiled as she played with a chain around Peters neck. "Shiny." She smiled making the others wake up.

Stony: When Life Gives You KidsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz