Chapter 7

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Two months later

"Kids get in the car!" Steve yelled. "FRIDAY where is Tony?"

"He appears to be waiting in the car."

Steve nodded his head and pushed the button for the elevators. "Hurry!"

"Pops I can't find my phone." Harley yelled running across the living room. He heard laughter and looked up to see Peter holding it. "Peter give me my phone!"

Peter laughed and took off running on the ceiling as Harley jumped up and down trying to reach him. Lilly-Anne entered with a book in her hand. She looked up at the mess, shrugged her shoulders and continued towards Steve who just stared at the wild boys.

"Where's Dad?" Lilly-Anne asked Steve causing him to snap back to reality.

"In the car- BOYS! Peter off the ceiling and give your brother his phone. Harley for heavens sake come here your hair is wild."

Peter gave him his phone and the elevators opened. The group entered, while Steve began to try to fix his messy blonde hair. Tony quietly sat in the car waiting for his family to come down. Why didn't he just wait in the tower? Well he knew getting out of the house would have gone ballistic.

"Thanks for the help." Steve sighed falling into the passenger seat. The three kids jumped in the back of the car yapping about Instagram.

"Figured you could handle it." Tony laughed before driving off. The group sat in the car for 15 minutes until they pulled up into a parking lot.

"Okay we will register Harley and Peter into this new school year at Mid Town." Tony began, "And once we are done we will take Little Miss bookworm to her new middle school."

Everyone jumped out the car and headed inside the big school. Peter smiled excited for school to start soon, only because he hasn't seen MJ and Ned in forever since Ned has been out in Canada and MJ was visiting family in California.

Harley felt nervous knowing this will be his new school. The closer he drew towards the office the more he was freaking out. Once they entered Tony and Steve started to register the two boys.

"Guys come here." Peter said walking off. Harley and Lilly-Anne ran after him and looked at Peter confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to see if my old suit is still here." Peter said before walking towards a row of lockers. He grabbed the bottom and instantly lift it up.

"Woah! These must be light lockers." Lilly-Anne said rushing over to another row and trying to push it up. "On second thought you are just too strong."

Peter laughed and looked at his old suit. "I love this suit. Sure it looks ugly compared to my other ones but it's what started it all."

"I've always wanted to be a super hero. How is it?" Harley asked as he watched Peter drop the locker and lay against them.

"Stressful. And very tiring, but it's fun too." Peter spoke. "But I would take living a normal life again any day. I have sensory over loads sometimes and that is the worst pain ever."

"Wow that really sucks. Hey when ever you need help being a super hero I will-"

"Not help because you are weak." Lilly-Anne said cutting her brother off. She laughed and he smacked her head.

"Hey! I'm stronger than you-"

"Excuse me?"

The three kids looked up and saw a young boy around Peters age. Peter and Harley both looked at one another then back up to him.

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