Chapter 12

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Tony and Steve peacefully slept in there bed. Tony was cuddling under Steve as he wrapped his arms around the smaller man. A small smile appearing on both of there faces.

Peter, Harley, and Lilly-Anne slowly entered and made there way over to the two parents. Peter quietly counted down before the three jumped onto them. "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!"

"FUCK!" Tony yelled jumping back scared.

Steve jumped back as well but soon calmed along with Tony as they looked at the laughing kids.

"I'm done you three are demons!" Tony replied. "Send then back!"

"Dad!" The three laughed.

"Merry Christmas Eve." Steve smiled. "You three ready for the cafe?

"YESSS!" Steve smiled and got up followed by Tony and the rest of the kids.

"How about you three go scare Clint?" Tony smirked.

"Nice try." Clint replied jumping out the vents. "I've been awake for the past 3 hours. Beat that Tony."

"I have." Tony replied. Making Steve roll his eyes.

"Get dressed kids and Clint will take you three towards the new cafe you all have been wanting to do." Steve smiled. "You too Clint."

The four ran off towards there bedrooms and Steve walked with Tony towards the kitchen.

"I love this." Tony smiled.

"Love what?" Steve asked as he began to get out the cookie batter.

"This. Our family." Tony replied walking towards him. "It's crazy. You know? To know that we have a family. How we both never got along but soon ended up with three beautiful children."

"I get what you mean." Steve replied pulling him close. He stared down at Tony with a dorky smile. Tony had his smirk he always carried but his eyes were full of love. "I never thought we would have ended up together... especially when you and Pep..."

Tony's eyes frowned a bit at the name and he looked down.

"T-Tony I didn't mean-"

"It's not that... I have been having the same dream about that night. I love you Steve and I loved her too... but seeing her dead every single night... what if something like that happens to Peter? You? Harley? Lilly-Anne? And- and I can't stop it-"


"I'm so scared dammit. Seeing the same exact dream- I mean what if-"


"What if it's to show that something bad might happen? What if it's warning me. Two months ago with the paparazzi situation scared me. Our children almost died! What if one day it all goes wrong-"

"Tony!" Steve grabbed Tony's arms and pulled him into a hug. Tony slowly relaxed into the hug and Steve lifted him on top of the counter. "Don't do that Tony. You won't loose us- Pepper and that situation was horrible but it wasn't your fault. I love you Tony... I really do and your family does. Don't be hard on yourself. People die- life has to keep going on. I understand. The girl who I thought was the love of my life died too. But I found you. You are amazing. Brilliant! Gorgeous! And God Dammit Rogers-Stark seeing you every day makes my heart pound crazy like a teenager in love. Even hearing our last name makes me smile and blush crazy."

Tony smiled and Steve continued looking into his eyes.

"I always pinch myself every morning wanting to see if this is one dream. Me? Marrying The Most Wonderful Man Alive! Impossible I could never- but I did. You don't understand how much I love you! I love you so so much! Don't be hard on yourself honey."

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