Arthur x Reader: Of Horseback Rides and Swordfights

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"Remember, Y/N, we are travelling to Camelot with the hopes of forging an alliance," Your mother reminded you after you complained about the dress you were wearing for the hundredth time. "So please try to act like a proper princess." You groaned and sunk farther into your seat. "I mean it! You are going to be spending the day with Prince Arthur while we converse with his father, so please try to set a good example. That means acting like a lady, doing what he wants to do, and for goodness sake, no fighting!" You reluctantly agreed, and huffed to yourself. Why was it such a crime for girls to learn to defend themselves? Or to do something they actually want to do? Your parents had always been lenient about letting you pursue your own interests – until they realized that you had become a little too strong-willed for their tastes. Since then, they had confiscated your swords, and had holed you up in your room to immerse yourself in the ever-exhilarating art of embroidery. Them trying to change you only made you even more determined to fight back. However, you knew how important this alliance was to your kingdom, so even if you hated to admit it, you'd have to go along with their wishes today. The carriage pulled to a stop at the castle steps, and the door was opened. Your father stepped out first and turned to help your mother and yourself. King Uther and Prince Arthur met you at the bottom of the steps. Your father and mother bowed and you mimicked them. While your parents spoke to the King, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Prince Arthur smiling down at you. Startled by his sudden appearance, you dipped into a curtsy.

"My Lord," You murmured as you straightened. He bowed.

"Welcome to Camelot, my Lady," He said.

"Thank you, my Lord. Camelot is a lovely place."

"Thank you, but I cannot take credit. It is the people who make Camelot the place it is." You both entered into an awkward silence for a few moments. It was broken by King Uther.

"Arthur, why don't you show Princess Y/N around Camelot while I discuss some things with the King and Queen?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea, Your Majesty," Your father agreed. Arthur turned to your parents.

"The we shall take our leave. Your Majesty," He bowed to your father, who nodded in reply. "Your Highness," Your mother curtsied. You curtsied to your father and hugged your mother.

"Be a lady," She hissed in your ear before releasing you. You gave a tight-lipped smile in return and nodded. Arthur offered you his arm and you took it. This is going to be a long day.


"Do you ride, My Lady?" Arthur asked you as you strolled around the castle grounds.

"Please call me Y/N, My Lord. Everybody else does." He gave a short chuckle.

"Very well. Do you ride, Y/N?" He asked again.

"Not often, My Lord, I—"

"Arthur." You smiled.

"Not often, Arthur, I have little interest in such things." In all honesty, you loved to ride, but you remembered your parents' warnings and you didn't want to be responsible for creating a rift between the two kingdoms. Arthur seemed disappointed by your answer.

"Well, it is not for everyone." He agreed. He looked around for another conversation starter, and his eyes landed on the sparring grounds.

"Have you any interest in the art of combat?"

"A little," You decided to let the truth slip out a little. "But I've never had an opportunity to pursue such a sport."

"I would be happy to show you some moves, if you'd like," He suggested. You wanted to accept his offer so badly, but you knew you couldn't accept.

"Thank you, but I really shouldn't." You said quietly. He didn't listen to you, and began to lead you towards the sparring grounds.

"Oh, come on! Twenty minutes won't hurt anyone." You laughed.

"Alright, alright," You gave in quite happily. When you entered the arena, you noticed two pairs of Knights training, while one supervised. Arthur called over to them, and they stopped.

"Men, I'd like you to meet Princess Y/N. Y/N, these are my Knights. Sir Leon," He gestured to the man that was shouting orders to the men. "Sir Lancelot," A dark-haired man with a gentle smile. "Sir Elyan," The knight that wasn't paying attention and stiffened at the sound of his name, causing you to chuckle. "Sir Percival," A massive man who looked intimidating. "And Sir Gwaine," A long haired man who winked at you. The red-haired one—Leon—noticed and smacked him upside the head. The five men bowed, and you answered with a curtsey. "I'm going to show Y/N some tricks to swordplay."

"Forgive me sire, but is this something a lady should partake in?" Sir Leon asked.

"Probably not, but I accepted his offer." You interjected. Sir Leon nodded, and sent Sir Gwaine to retrieve a pair of blunt swords. He handed one to you and one to Arthur, who was setting up a training dummy. Seeing that you were ready to begin, he motioned for you to come over.

"Alright, we'll start with two basic moves. This is a lunge," He mimicked the move. "And this a parry." He watched you try them. "No, wait. Your grip is a little off." You, of course, knew this, but you didn't want it to seem like you knew what you were doing. After thinking of a way to help correct you, he came up with an idea. Coming so he stood behind you, he reached his arms around you and placed his hands over yours. He slid your hands into the correct position, and led you through the motions once more. He stepped back, satisfied with your improvement. "You're a fast learner, Y/N." He walked over to where he had laid down his sword and retrieved it. "I think you're ready for an actual opponent." He moved to the centre of the arena and waved his sword at you. "I'll go easy on you," He promised with a smile.

"I wouldn't if I were you," You mumbled under your breath with a grin on your face.


"N-Nothing!" You shouted back. He shrugged. You began to circle each other, slowly coming closer. When you were closer, you spoke again. "You sure you want to go easy on me? I'm sure I could handle it."

"Forgive me, Y/N, but I don't think you are."

"So be it." You swung your sword as you advanced. Arthur's eyes widened as he began to deflect blow after blow. While he kept on the defense, you noticed that his left knee was left unguarded. You struck him in the back of the knee with the flat part of your sword, sending him sprawling. You stood over him with your blade at his throat. The Knights howled with laughter.

"The Mighty Prince Arthur...beaten by a girl!" Sir Gwaine choked out as he slammed his fist on the fence. Arthur's face turned red as you put your blade down.

"I thought... you said you...couldn't...fight!" He panted.

"I never said that. I said I didn't." You grinned. "But if you haven't noticed, I lied. I also happen to go riding as much as possible." His jaw dropped open as he took in all this new information.

"Then why did you lie?" He asked, still in shock about the fact that a princess had beaten him in a swordfight.

"My parents told me to," You said, growing serious. "They don't want me to endanger the chances of forming a treaty with Camelot." His eyes softened as he listened to you.

"Well you may be right about that; if my father knew he'd be...shocked, to say the least. But, lucky for you, I'm not him." You looked at him, shocked.


"Personally, I don't have an issue with girls learning how to defend themselves. So if you'd like," His face began to turn a light shade of red. "I'd be happy to practice swordplay with you." He mumbled that last bit. You smiled.

"As long as horseback rides are included," You answered jokingly. He grinned.

"Of course, My Lady." He bowed dramatically. "In fact, the sun will still be up for a few hours more, so would you care to go riding right now?" He offered his arm and you slipped yours through his.

"It would be my pleasure."

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