Arthur x Reader: Papa

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After waking up to vomit for the fourth day in a row, Arthur had insisted you visit Gaius. So here you were. The healer puttered around his clinic, referring to book after book as he asked you questions. "When are you most often ill?"

"Usually the mornings," You answered.

"Every morning?"

"So far." He closed his book and seemed to think for a moment. Then realization dawned on him and he turned to you.

"Y/N? When was your last cycle?" You thought for a moment.

"Well, I think it was..." Then you realized where he was going. "Gaius, am I..." You trailed off.

"I think it's very likely, yes." The breath was sucked out of your body. You wanted to be a mother, yes, but you had no idea where Arthur stood on the subject. You had only been married a few months! Wasn't it too soon? Gaius seemed to notice your anxiety, and laid a hand on your shoulder. "You should tell him, Y/N. The stress of hiding it can be dangerous for the child." You nodded.

"I will."


Oh Lord, how am I going to tell him? You fretted as you watched the courtyard from your window. Arthur had left early that morning, and after escorting you to the infirmary promised he'd be back for dinner. He had kept his promise, for he rode into the courtyard and, after handing his horse off to Merlin, bounded up the steps. He burst into your chambers a few moments later, making a beeline to where you sat. He kneeled in front of you and clasped your hands between his. "What did Gaius say?" He asked nervously. You laughed in an attempt to calm your nerves.

"What, no hello?" He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Hello, Y/N." You grinned. "What did Gaius say?" Your grin faded a little, and Arthur immediately picked up on it. "What?" He asked nervously. "What did he say? Will you be alright?"


"I should've stayed here. I knew you were sick and I still left! I'm such a fool!"


"You've had to deal with it alone, all day while I was off gallivanting through the forest. I should have—"

"ARTHUR!" He fell silent. You sighed in exasperation. "If you would just let me explain," He nodded, and you took a deep breath. "I'm not sick." His shoulders sagged in relief. "I'm with child." His shoulders tensed again.


"I'm with child, Arthur. Our child." You laid a hand on your stomach and watched his face. He stared at your stomach, and then at you.

"You—you're serious?"

"You think I'd joke about this?" He didn't say anything. Before you knew what was going on, you were pulled from your chair and into his lap, locking his arms around as he kissed your face over and over. He buried his face in your neck ad rocked you back and forth. Then you felt his shoulders shaking. "Arthur?" He pulled away to look at you. The most brilliant grin you had ever seen was stretched across his face, and he continued to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing," He assured you. "I just...I'm just so happy," He laid his hand on your stomach. "You're gonna be a mama, and I'm...I'm..." You smiled at his excitement and kissed his forehead.

"You're gonna be a papa."

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