Dating Gwaine Would Involve...

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-Constant touching.

-Seriously. There's always an arm around your shoulder, or fingers playing with the ends of your hair.

-Excessive PDA. But what did you expect?

-Bringing you a flower every time he returns from a mission.

-When he returns from an especially long trip, you bake an apple pie. As soon as they enter the castle gates, he makes a beeline for your house.

-"Hey Gwaine, we're going to the pub if you—hey, come back!"

"Oh, let him go."

"I never thought I'd see the day when Gwaine skipped out on the pub."

"Yeah, well we didn't think he'd ever settle down either."

-Finding out the knights made bets on when you'd get together.

-"How long has this bet been around?"

"Pretty much since the day you met."

-For the first few days he flirted with you nonstop, using all of his tricks. When he realized it wasn't working, he tried more sincere methods.

-He's great with the village kids.

-"You know, we'd make great parents."

-Then he chokes on air as he realizes what he said. He doesn't calm down until you slip your hand in his and lean your head on his shoulder.

-And then that vision of the future doesn't seem so impossible.

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