Arthur x Reader Of Horseback Rides and Swordfights Part 2

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You laughed as you dismounted your horse, breathless with joy. Arthur took the reins from you and handed them to Merlin, who led the horses to the stables. Arthur turned to you. "Now what would you like to do?" You tapped your chin with your thumb as you thought. You shrugged.

"I picked the horseback ride. It's your turn to pick something!" He thought for a minute. His eyes landed on something behind you, and he motioned for you to follow him. He turned and walked towards the castle. You followed behind, wondering where on Earth he could be going. He led you up a set of stone spiral stairs, and opened the door for you. You smiled at him as you walked past, before your gaze was drawn to the view in front of you. Beyond the stone walls were rolling hills. A forest lay further beyond it, and the sun shone brightly. You could hear birds twittering in the distance, and a warm breeze was blowing softly.

"Wow, this is beautiful Arthur!" You exclaimed as you stared out at the vast countryside.

"Yeah, it is." He said softly as he came up beside you. "I used to come up here all the time, when I was little. Me and Morgana, that is." He deflated a little. "I haven't been up here since she left." He finished quietly. You laid a hand on his arm as he stared into the distance.

"Thank you for showing me this," You told him sincerely. He looked over and smiled at you. Before you knew what was happening, you were both leaning in. Arthur slowly wrapped an arm around your waist and gently tugged you closer. You sighed softly as your lips brushed together. You both smiled into the kiss and pulled apart. He pulled you against him and you both watched the sunset in silence.

You wished you could've stayed there forever, but your parents had other ideas. "Y/N!" You looked down as they scanned the citadel for you. You looked at Arthur apologetically and began to walk away. He watched you go, before quickly realizing his mistake. He took off after you, grabbing your wrist. You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I'll walk with you," He said. You smiled up at him and let him lead the way down the steps. Your parents sighed in relief when they saw you.

"Where have you been?" They demanded. "We've been looking for you everywhere!" You were about to explain when Arthur cut in.

"Apologies, Your Majesties. I was giving the Princess a tour of the castle, and we must've lost track of time. It was my fault." They looked at the two of you in surprise.

"No, no, Your Highness, forgive us." They quickly backtracked. "We were worried about the whereabouts of our daughter, that's all." They smiled at the two of you. "But we're afraid we must return to our Kingdom. Some problems have arisen and we can't afford to be away any longer. Thank you for hosting us, Your Highness," They turned to you. "We'll be in the carriage. Say your goodbyes and get in when you're ready." They left you and Arthur alone.

"I can't believe I'm going home already," You said sadly. He gently laid a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright." He told you. "I can visit you, and there's no reason you can't come back." You nodded. "I'm going to miss you." He murmured as he pulled you in close. You wrapped your arms around him and savoured your last hug you'd be getting from him for a while. You pulled back with a watery smile. He smiled down at you, and brushed his lips against yours. When you pulled back, he slowly led you towards the waiting carriage. With one last kiss to your hand, he helped you into the carriage and closed the door behind you. The carriage slowly rumbled out of Camelot, and you waved out the window until Arthur's form disappeared, ignoring the knowing smiles on your parents' faces.

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