Arthur x Reader: Lions of Light

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"I don't know what to do, Arthur," You stressed to your husband. "Thomas' fever still hasn't gone down. Has Merlin gotten back to you yet?"

"No." Arthur ran a head through his hair as you sat next to him on the bed.

"He's sleeping now. I'm about to go back to him." You said apologetically, before kissing your husband's head and returning to your son.

Arthur's heart ached for his son, and he wished more than anything that he could take away his child's pain. He had summoned Merlin awhile ago, hoping he would know a spell or two that could make Thomas better. If anything, he would've hoped seeing his Uncle Merlin would cheer him up. A servant came in, telling him that Merlin still was unavailable. Arthur growled in frustration and stood up. If Merlin wasn't going to come to him, he'd just have to go to Merlin. He stalked out of his family's chambers and towards Gaius' infirmary. He didn't bother knocking and strode right in.

"Look, I'm sorry, but tell Arthur I just can't see him right now."

"It's not to see me," Merlin poked his head out of the back and came out.

"Oh, you actually came down yourself?" Merlin asked. "Is this an urgent problem?"

"Kind of." Arthur replied. "It's Thomas." Merlin perked up at the mention of his 'nephew'. "He's been sick for a few days and now he has a fever. He can't get out of bed, and we can't think of how to cheer him up. So," This is where it got awkward. "I was wondering if you'd be willing to come up and visit him? He loves when you do magic."

"...Well if I had known that was why you wanted to see me, I would've shown up with the first request!" Merlin told him. "Lead the way." Merlin followed him back to his chambers. Arthur made a beeline for the backroom. He knocked softly before walking in. You were sitting on the edge of Thomas' bed, gently dabbing at the sweat on your little boy's face. You looked up and smiled tensely at Arthur and Merlin. Arthur sat down next to you as Merlin sat on Thomas' other side. Your son's eyes fluttered open, and he grinned weakly.

"Uncle Merlin!" He rasped.

"Hey, buddy." Merlin smiled. "Your papa told me you haven't been feeling well." Thomas shook his head.

"I'm getting better!" Thomas protested. Merlin looked at you, and you shook your head, smiling at how energetic Thomas was now. You tapped Arthur's shoulder and the two of you stood up.

"We'll let the two of you have some fun," You kissed Thomas' burning forehead and walked to the door. "Don't let him get up, Merlin. He's not ready for that."

Merlin nodded, and you and Arthur left. The last thing you saw before you closed the door was Merlin waving his hands and conjuring up a lion made of light as Thomas' eyes widened in wonder and delight.


Merlin came out two hours later. "Well?" You asked.

"He's sleeping now. I gave him two potions. One broke the fever and the other cleared his throat." You sighed in relief and grinned at your husband. "It's only temporary, but I'll have another batch ready for tomorrow."

"Thank you, Merlin." You said as your husband nodded at him.

"It was my pleasure. Let me know when he starts feeling better," You agreed, and Merlin left.

"I'm just going to check on him one more time," You told Arthur. "You can go to sleep. I'll be there in a minute."

"If you're checking him, so am I." You smiled and crept to the door. You held a finger to your lips and looked at Arthur. He nodded, and you slowly opened the door. Floating fairy lights of every colour were dimly glowing, bobbing gently in the air.

And your son was sleeping peacefully for the first time in a week.

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