Mordred x Reader: My Saviour

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"Good morning, little sister." You lifted your head and glared at Morgana.

"I'm not your sister," You spat. She smirked.

"No, I suppose you aren't." She smiled softly. "But you could be." You glared up at her.

"What are you talking about?" She crouched down and gently stroked the side of your face. You jerked your head out of her grasp.

"You could join us."


"Your dear sister-in-law. She was the exact same as you at first," She smiled. "But then she came around eventually."

"What did you do to Gwen?"

"Nothing much, she just realized where her true loyalties lie. And while that's great for me, I'm afraid it's pretty bad for your precious Camelot."

"No," You said in disbelief. "No! She'd never join you!"

"Oh but she did. Just like you will." You spat in her face.

"I'll die before joining you." She flinched, but recovered and calmly wiped the spittle from her face, before her hand shot out and struck you across the cheek. You let out a pained gasp as you shrunk away from her. She stood up and snapped her fingers. Two armed men guards entered the room and each grabbed an arm, hauling you up roughly.

"Lock her in the north tower." She told the men before turning to you. "We'll see how long it takes for you to reconsider my offer." You straightened up as much as you could and stared her dead in the eye.

"Hope you won't be too disappointed." She smiled a tight-lipped smile before the guards hauled you out of the room.


You had no idea how long it had been. There were no windows in your cell, and the only light came from the torchlight shining through the heavy iron bars. You heard the door creak open, and a stale bun was thrown onto the ground in front of you. You glared at the guard. "Would it kill you to throw it a few feet farther?" You were answered by the slam of the door. You rolled your eyes and tried to reach for the roll, but you were stopped by the heavy manacles around your wrist. You groaned and rested your head against the wall. You were so tired. You wouldn't give into Morgana, not ever, but on the other hand, you couldn't keep this up much longer. You closed your eyes and slumped against the damp wall. Surely you could get away with a quick nap...right?


"Ah, Mordred!" Morgana smiled as the young druid walked into the room. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Mordred's face remained stony.

"I'm done sympathizing." He said simply. "My kind will never be welcome in Camelot, and I can't take it anymore." Morgana smiled wider as her eyes twinkled sinisterly. His tone suggested there were more reasons, but for now she'd let it slide.

"Oh, Mordred. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that." She gracefully stood and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Come with me. I have so much to tell you."

As they walked, Morgana told Mordred her plans. What she was going to do, what she needed him to do, what they would do when they succeeded. As they conversed, a guard came up to them and whispered something in Morgana's ear. She stiffened and her eyes flashed dangerously. Then she turned to Mordred and smiled politely. "Forgive me, but I have things I need to attend to. The castle is yours to explore." Then she left, leaving Mordred alone in the dark corridor. Deciding he had nothing better to do, he began to slowly wander the halls. He studied the interior. Clean stone walls. No chips. Ivy growing in the west wing. Rats in the south. The east was gone completely.

And then he made it to the north. It was nothing more than a dark spiral staircase leading up into blackness. Deciding there was nothing better to do, he climbed.

There was nothing at the top save for a rusty cell in the corner. He was about to turn back, but heard the clanking of metal. Raising an eyebrow, he approached the cell and looked inside.

His heart stopped.

You were huddled in the corner, your face hidden behind a curtain of dirty tangled hair. "Y/N." He breathed. "Y/N!" He said louder. He tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He growled in frustration and stepped back. He glared at the lock and his eyes turned yellow. The padlock disintegrated and the door swung open. He raced into the cell and did the same to the thick manacles around your wrists. You slumped forward, but he caught you easily. Cradling you in his arms, he gently pushed the hair from your face as gently as he could. "Y/N," He whispered. "Wake up." He watched your face, but you didn't move. He shook you and called your name again, before realization washed over him. "No," He breathed as a tear snaked down his face. "No!" He gasped and pulled you close. "No," He murmured into your neck as he rocked you back in forth. "No, no, no..."

"Mor...dred?" He froze in disbelief. "Hey," You tried again, your voice weak and raspy. "What's wrong?" His head snapped up and he stared at you incredulously.


"What are you doing here?"

"Y/N!" His voice cracked as his lips crashed into yours. You responded immediately, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. When he pulled away, he wrapped his cloak around you and lifted you into his arms.

"What's going on?"

"I thought you were dead." He told you. "We all did. I couldn't stay in Camelot. Not when..." He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. You're alright now, and I'm taking you home." Just then, a guard walked in, quickly drawing his sword with a shout when he saw you two. You buried your face in Mordred's chest, but nothing happened immediately. You raised your head, but Mordred gently pushed your face into his chest. "I'll tell you when you can look." You nodded and wrapped your arms around him even tighter. He walked through the halls as quietly as he could.

"Mordred!" You heard Morgana snarl. "What are you doing?"

"The only reason I came is because there was no reason for me to stay in Camelot. But you've been hiding her here this whole time." The air grew cold. "How long has she been here."

"Listen to me—"

"How long?!" She sighed.

"Longer than you've known she's been gone. I didn't expect that decoy to work as well as she did. And faking her death? Priceless." Mordred stiffened.

"How. Long."

"Three months." She said at last.

"She's been here for three months?" Had you really been here that long? He growled. "That's it. I'm taking her home."

"Oh are you now?"

"Yes." The air crackled, and you heard a loud noise. Then silence.

"It's over," He told you softly. "I'm taking you home." With that you fell into the most peaceful sleep you'd had in months.

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