Arthur x Reader: Of Courting and Quills

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You huffed in discomfort as your lady in waiting tightened your corset. She smiled at you through the mirror in apology.

"The things we do for fashion," You joked. Your maid chuckled as she tied off the corset laces and began to arrange some wildflowers in your hair. After a few moments of peace and quiet, your handmaid stepped back and announced she was finished. You inspected your appearance in the mirror, nodding in approval. Thanking your handmaid and relieving her of her duties, you exited your chambers and made your way towards the noise flowing from the ballroom.

It was Prince Arthur's birthday, and you were one of the many nobles invited to celebrate.

Not that you weren't expecting an invitation.

You and Arthur were old friends, and you considered him one of your closest.

And lately, you were suspecting that you were both moving past friendship into something more... personal. You entered the ballroom and just took in the glittering lights and swirling ballgowns.

"Y/N!" You turned around to see Arthur striding towards you with his arms outstretched. You grinned and moved towards him, laughing when he pulled you close and spun you around. "You came!" You laughed again as he put you back down.

"Of course I came! I couldn't miss the Crown Prince's birthday! Speaking of which," You pulled a small parcel out from behind your skirts. "Happy birthday."

"You shouldn't have, Y/N," Arthur said warmly, taking the parcel from you. You waited for him to open it...

But were left slightly surprised when Arthur simply handed it to a servant. "I can't be playing favourites," He teased. You recovered with a laugh.

"Of course, Your Highness," You curtsied. "I won't keep you from your guests." He smiled gratefully, before disappearing into the crowd.

"He means well," A voice said from behind you. You turned to see Merlin.

"I know." You watched as he kissed the hand of a visiting princess, before saying something that caused the girl to laugh and blush. He offered his arm, and the pair moved to the center of the ballroom, effortlessly joining the other dancers. You watched as the handsome couple spun about, seemingly in a world of their own.

At least, until Arthur caught another lady and twirled her in the place of the first. He continued to make his way around the room, dancing with lady after lady, until you couldn't take it anymore. "I'm going to get some air," You said to Merlin. "Excuse me."

Merlin caught you by the arm. "He hasn't forgotten you, Y/N."

"I know." You smiled softly. "We just want different things." You gently broke from Merlin's grip, and exited the ballroom.

You closed your eyes in bliss as the cool night air washed over you. You sat down on the citadel steps, enjoying the silence and watching the stars. You relished in the solitude, but your thoughts inevitably drifted back to Arthur.

Had you really read the signals wrong? You had thought your friendship was deepening on both sides, but could it have just been hopeful thinking? Could you really stand by and watch as Arthur chose another?

You already had the answer to that question. He was one of your best friends. He would likely never see you the way you saw him, but you'd always be there to support him.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't hear the footsteps approaching you. You jerked in surprise as a cloak was laid over your shoulders. You looked up as Arthur sat down next to you. He was holding your gift in his hands.

He sat next to you while running his fingers over the plume of the feather quill. The feather was red, and dyed in such a way that the crest of Camelot was on the feather. Clay was molded around the shaft of the feather, providing a more comfortable grip. "I was afraid you'd left before I could thank you." Arthur said after a moment.

"I just needed a break from everything." You explained.  Arthur nodded.

"Thank you for the quill, it's amazing." He said softly. You smiled.

"Befitting for a King, don't you think?" You quipped. Arthur laughed, and you both fell into another comfortable silence. Then at last, you spoke again. "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but shouldn't you be getting back? I'm sure that there are many people missing the birthday boy, and many more ladies waiting for a dance." Arthur sighed, suddenly seeming tired.

"I don't want to see them." He continued to play with the quill in his hands. "They expect a perfect heir, all the time. It's exhausting." You laid a sympathetic hand on your shoulder. He immediately fell onto your shoulder with a huff. You froze. "You're different though."

"What makes me different from the other ladies?" You asked.

"You aren't throwing yourself at me." You laughed. "I'm serious," Arthur said. "You don't see a title. You see me." He had sat up, but was still inching closer. "You've been there through every hardship and every triumph" His gaze flicked down to your lips, before rising to meet your eyes again. "I...I'd like you to continue to be by my side."

"I'm always going to support you, Arthur." You told him. He shook his head.

"No, not like that." Your brow furrowed in confusion. He looked away, before taking a breath and straightening up. He took both of your hands in his. "Y/N L/N, I would like to court you." Your breath escaped you. "If that's alright with you, of course." You were in shock. He wanted to court you? "Y/N?" Arthur asked nervously.

"Yes," you breathed. He nodded in resignation, before he stiffened and looked at you.

"What did you say?"

"I said yes," You told him. Arthur smiled softly, before cupping your face in his hands and pulling your mouth to his. The noise from the festivities faded into a dull hum, and the two of you were left in your own little world.

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