Arthur x Reader: Storybook Ending

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Once upon a time, there was a prince. The prince was handsome, courageous, and just. But he had no princess. His father decreed there would be a ball to which all the princesses in the land would be invited to, in the hopes that one would win the young prince's heart. Little did the King know, the prince already had a princess. She was not one in title, no. But to the prince she was one through and through. Every night, he'd sneak out of the palace and meet with her. Some nights they'd go on walks, other nights they'd star gaze, some nights they'd just talk. The prince told his princess of the upcoming ball. She was saddened by the news that he would have to choose a wife, but he assured her that she was the only one for him. She wanted to believe him, she really did, but she just couldn't see how it would work out. If he stayed with her, the King would disown him and probably execute her. If he chose another, both would be heartbroken. She couldn't keep going like this. It wasn't healthy, to yearn for something you could never have.

So the very next day, she scrawled out a note, packed a few essentials in a rucksack, and vanished into the crowd.

When the prince arrived at her house that very night, he was surprised to see no candle lit in the window. It was concerning to him, as she always a candle in her window. He didn't bother knocking and walked straight in. The first thing he noticed was two of her dresses gone, her pantry cleaned out, and a little note on her table, written in her hand. He picked it up and read it, dread filling his stomach with every line. He crumpled the note, threw it to the ground, and strode out to his horse. He mounted it, and rode towards the city gates, calling for his princess to come home.

He searched all through the night, and before long, the sun was rising and bathing the Earth in its light. He was losing hope. His princess had been gone for hours, and there was still no sign of her. Sighing in despair, he turned his horse to return to the kingdom. He just began to move, when he heard a twig snap. He drew his sword and whipped around.

There she was, standing a few feet away. Her eyes widened in surprise and she turned to run, but she wasn't fast enough. He was off his horse in a flash, and his arms were wrapped around her struggling figure. He asked her why she'd thought running away was the answer. She told him she didn't want to put him in the position he would've ended up in. He shushed her gently and put her on his horse, ignoring her protests. He declared that he would be with her no matter what, come hell or high water, or even the King's protests. She smiled at his determination, and let him take her back to the kingdom.

And they lived happily ever after.

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