Dating Leon Would Involve...

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-Him not actually being able to work up the courage to ask you out until a few years after you met.

-Him being shy when it comes to PDA and you taking advantage of the fact.

-Teaching him it's okay to bend the rules every once in a while.

-Visiting him while he's on duty.

-Him being lenient when he catches you causing trouble with Gwaine and Percival.

-He can get surprisingly jealous. But not in the aggressive sense. More in the glares- at-you-from-across-the-room-but-looks-away-when-you-notice sort of way.

-Draping his cape over you while you sleep.

-Bickering like an old married couple.

-Playing with his hair all the time.



"Why is there a braid in your hair?"

"What are you—Y/N!"

-Him protecting you with his life.

-"Why can't you just understand that I want you to be safe?"

"I don't care about my safety if you aren't there!"

-When he returns from a mission he lifts you up and hugs you like he hasn't seen you in years.

-Kissing every inch of his face when he comes back from patrol.

Merlin ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora