Having Magic and Dating Merlin Would Involve...

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-There's something about Merlin that draws you to him, and he you. Thus, it doesn't take long for friendship to turn into romance.

-Both of you unknowingly protecting the other with magic during battles

-You're together for about half a year or so when you both decide that the other is "the one" and you have to tell each other

-"Y/N, I have something to tell you, but you need to promise that you won't freak out."

-You freak out and tackle-hug him before showing him your own secret

-Sneaking away to do magic together because it's exhausting having to keep it secret all the time

-Being prank masters

-Becoming extra protective of each other due to the magic laws in Camelot

-"As soon as my duty to Arthur is done, we're getting out of here."

"Really? You could leave this all behind?"

"You come before everything, Y/N. I want us to be safe."

-Having some of the best dates ever.

-After Gwen is crowned queen, you leave Camelot for a small farm in Merlin's home village

-Using your magic to do little things for each other just because

-When the time comes, you both use magic to create your rings, and you teach your children that magic is nothing to be ashamed of

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