Not again...

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Aden's Pov

I've been constantly at my in-laws house, begging them to move in with us. I see why my wife is so stubborn. Her mom is as stubborn as a mule.

"Ma'am with all due respect I love your daughter and my son's. I just think Nina would like it better if you guys were closer, I said to Nina's mom."

"I don't care how long you try to come over and buy your way. My husband and I do not accept. Just let her live with us, please. If you really love...., Nina's mom said."

I cut her off, "Don't finish that cliche bull crap. I love your daughter and I will never let her go. I've been trying to beg you two for 6 months now. I need to get home to my wife and kids. You either come or you'll never see any of us again. What will be, I said ready to leave?"

"We will come. Don't threaten us like that. First you take our daughter and now your trying to take my grandsons. Just let us pack, she said."

"Come now! I'll send movers to do the rest, I told Nina's parents."

They both came and we made the long drive home. At this point I'm starting to hate my in laws. I missed weeks of my son's growth. Every weekend since they were born I would leave to go beg Nina's parents to live with us. So much time wasted.

We didn't talk the whole drive there. It was for the best. We finally made it home. I called my movers to collect their things.

"One last thing... You need to make Nina believe this is your choice, I said to them."

"Ok, they said in unison."
Nina's Pov

I called Aden. I just been really emotional lately and the boys will be 7 months old tomorrow. I was just sick of him leaving Friday night and not hearing from him, until he came home, Monday morning.


Aden: hello

Nina: I'm getting sick of this. You keep leaving me on the weekends and you don't tell me why or what your doing. I'm done. Me and my boys are leaving. Be with you new girl a**hole.
*hangs up*
_________________________________________Aden's Pov

"Change of plans, I told Nina's parents." You'll be staying in a luxury hotel, just for tonight. I'll go get my boys and bring them to you. Nina just called and wants alone time, I said half way pissed."

They didn't notice I plastered a smile and told them to wait here.

" Hunny I'm home, I said loudly."

She came out of the kitchen and looked half way frightened.

"What... No kiss hello, I asked?"

She tried to run but I caught her in no time.

"Where do you think you're going huh. I'll deal with you in a second, I say taking her to the dungeon."

She begged me not to and tried to hold onto whatever she could touch. She had no luck as I easily held her.

I locked her in there, then ran upstairs to bring my boys to their grandparents.

"It's daddy! How are my boys? Are you ready to have fun with Grandma and Grandpa? Yes you are."

My son's we're so handsome like their dad. I kissed their foreheads and brought them to their grandparents.

"Go to The Hilton Hotel, I got you guys the penthouse. Whatever you want just tell the concierge to get it."

They nodded and each grabbed one of my son's. Once they left I went to my🍫🍑.

"What the hell is your problem I said to Peach as I stripped her out of her clothes. HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY, I said making her flinch?"

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