Should I Tell Aden

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Luke's POV

I really messed up this time. I raped Nina. Wtf was I thinking. My brother is going to kill me.

"Daddy let's go to mommy's house," Aurora said.

Great all I want to do is to make love to Nina and Marry her but I can't.

"Sure thing sweetie. Did you pack all of you teddy bears," I asked my daughter?

"Daddy help," is all she said before running upstairs.

"I missed you here Luke," Aden said.

"UNCLE LUKE, UNCLE LUKE," my nephew's shouted.

"Hey, I wasn't gone that long. I will be here as long as you allow Aden," I say cautiously, eyeing him.

"You know you really need to make...,"    Nina said pausing before seeing me.

"Hi Nina how are you," I said.

"Hi Luke, where's Aurora," she asked softly.

I pointed behind her as Aurora hugged her leg.

"There's mommy's baby. How's my baby girl," Nina said. Walking off with Aurora.

"Let's catch up  brother. I bought a new boat let's go fishing," Aden said.
3 hours later ...

"I told you Luke I always catch bigger fish," Aden said.

"It was out of luck," I say pissed off.

Nina walked in which made me happy, until she ran to the bathroom clutching her stomach and holding her mouth. Must of been the fish Aden and I caught.

"I'll go check on her," Aden said looking worried.

I hope Nina doesn't tell him that I got her pregnant yet. Just then they both came out of the restroom with Aden grinning.

"Are you ok," I asked Nina?

"Yes, I think I'm pregnant," she stated giving me a look.

I can't tell if she is happy or pissed off. I feel bad because I hurt her and now Aden is happy because he thinks it's his baby.

"I'll be back in going to run to the store and get a pregnancy test," Aden said.

"I'll come with you," I told him.

"Actually I was hoping you would look out for Nina and the kids," he said.

"Ok!" I said before sitting down on the couch.

"Nina can we talk," I asked her.

"Yes," what's it about she asked?

"I was hoping to tell Aden today but need your permission," i said looking down.

"I would like to wait. If you want to tell him today you can." She said.

"Baby I don't want you to feel rushed," I said moving closer to her.

I Hoover over her and move her legs apart to stand between them. Then I lean in, with one hand clutching the sofa, and kiss her.

I don't know what gets into me when I am around her but I can't get enough of her. She doesn't kiss back at first so I lift her head up slightly and kiss her more.

She finally opens her mouth and begins to kiss me. Then I see a year in her eye and pull away.

"What's the matter baby," I asked her.

"I love you both but I'm married to Aden. Why do you keep doing this to me Luke. You raped me and know you want to act like that didn't happen. You really hurt me," she said fully crying now.

I move and decide to go find Aurora.
I can't keep doing this to her but I need her. I won't live without her.

I have a strong urge to kidnap her again and this time take her far so no one will ever find us.

I heard my brother come inside. He must be back already. Might as well go and see him find out Nina is pregnant.

"Come on Peach, let's go to the restroom," Aden said grinning.

After a few minutes he came out smiling bigger.

"We're having another baby," Aden said.

"Congratulations," is all could say.

"Aden I need to talk to you. Can we go to your office," I said.

"Sure let's go," he said.

Once we go to his office he went in first and took a seat. It was now or never.

Short chapter but I decided to give you something since it's been two months since I last posted. Enjoy!

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