I don't know why

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Luke's Pov

Last night was a bit of a blur for me. The last thing I remember was drinking and getting high. I thought Aden let Nina go. I seen her driving away.

Why did she leave without Aurora, how could she leave without me. I drank myself into a stupor. I couldn't deal with losing her again.

I stayed in my room not coming out to eat at all. The more I thought about the more drugs I took. I fell asleep and  didn't wake up until very late.

I felt good in my state of highness. I went downstairs to get a drink when I saw Nina. Her back was facing me as she was consoling our daughter.

I told Aurora to go play. I grabbed Nina once our daughter was out of sight and pulled her to the basement.
We were going to the dungeon where no one could hear us.

The next day, I woke up to Nina. She was naked and laying next to me. What the hell happened last night.

"Nina, wake up." I slightly pushed her arm.

She woke up. She was shaking.

"Nina what's wrong?" I asked.

She just stared at me looking scared.

"This is going to sound funny, but what happened last night?" I asked her.

She was mute. Why wouldn't she speak to me.

"Are you ok Nina? Why won't you answer me?" I asked.

"Ca- can I go?" She asked.

"No one is stopping you." I said sadly.

She got up, as I reached for her, she flinched. Wtf happened last night I thought.

"Nina what happened?" I asked standing up, towering over her in our nakedness.

She started to sob. I hated to see her like this.

"Did I... Hurt you?" I asked looked at the ground.

She nodded her head yes.

"Dammit. Nina you have to believe me. I don't remember anything that transpired last night. I was heavily drunk and high. Can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

She started to cry harder. I eyed her and noticed the bruises I must have left on her. Her usually tamed hair was now matted. She had dried blood on her face.

"I'm so sorry. I would never purposely hurt you Nina. I love you!" I said as tears streamed out of my eyes.

I hurt her bad and she thinks I did it intentionally. I sat on the edge of the bed and cried. I'm not one to cry but I heart my other half. She will never forgive me for this.

All of the sudden I felt arms wrap around me delicately. I looked up to see Nina hugging me.

"I hurt...you." I couldn't finish my sentence.

I felt like an all time low. From that day on I vow not to get high or drink anymore. Those two things made me hurt Nina.

"Nina, I pro... I promise I will never get high or drink again." I said while sobbing.

"I can't live with myself, the thought of me hurting..." I was cut off.

"Don't cry Luke, please." She said.

"I believe you. It's ok." She said kissing my cheek.

"Let's just forget this ever happened, get dressed, and go upstairs." She said.

"Ok." Was all I could say.

We got dressed and I followed her up the stairs. When we got up there I went to me room. I needed to shower.

Why did I hurt her now she will never forgive me.

I decided I needed to leave the house for awhile. I needed to ask Nina if it was ok for me to take Aurora.

I don't want my daughter being alone. I know Nina is depressed and ignores all her children, right now. I can't help but think that I am the blame for her depression.

I went and grabbed Aurora from her bed.

"Daddy?" My daughter said half way asleep.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked.

"Bake cookies." She said falling asleep again.

"Okay, sweetie." I said to my girl.

I hugged my daughter as I carried her to find her mother.

She was crying in the movie room.

"Nina?" I asked.

"Yes." She said faintly.

"I think it'll be best if I left for awhile. I wanted to know if I could take Aurora too?" I asked.

"How long will you be gone?" She asked.

"For a few months, is that ok?" I asked.

"Yes." She said walking over to us and kissing Aurora's head.

With that we left. I couldn't even manage to look her in the eyes. I quickly put Aurora in her car seat and we sped off.

I took my daughter to my house. It was a tad bigger that Adens house.

"Wake up sweetie, where home." I told her.

"Daddy I hungry." My daughter said.

"Okay sweetie I'll have the maids cook whatever you like.

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