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Chapter 6

              IT HAS BEEN A WEEK SINCE MY LAST ENCOUNTER WITH LEO. I know that I have to talk to him soon but I'm just dreading it. I promise I'll do it but my heart somehow races uncontrollably whenever he is five feet away from me.

For the past week, my days have been the same throughout. Wake up, bath, eat and sleep. I tried volunteering to help Liz around but she refused.

Blaire and Alex haven't visited me since then but I don't really blame them, I heard that Leonardo does not have mercy when it comes to work. And here I thought my parents were bad.

  Actually, speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Leo walks in the kitchen where I'm sitting with a tub of ice cream. Cookies and Cream. I'm pretty sure that my face and shirt has some ice cream and I look like an idiot.

He walks to the fridge and takes out a bottle of water. "Is this what you do every day? No wonder my fridge is this empty." Leo says with an arched brow.

Is that a tease I sense?

I roll my eyes at him and swallow the ice cream. "It's not like I have much to do anyway." I wave my hands around. "I feel like all I'm here to do is take up space."

I expected him to give me a hard face and comment coldly. But he actually surprises me when he says, "The house was getting a little empty and boring." He even adds a shrug.

When he sees my face which, might I add, included my eyes widened and mouth wide open, he laughs. No joke, he is laughing right now.

"What?" He questions.

I blink a couple of times. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask, even standing up to touch his forehead.

Leo looks at my short figure with a smile on his face. I didn't realise the body heat radiating from him until now. His ocean eyes piercing throw my brown plain eyes. His hand suddenly goes to my waist and pulls me forward closing the little space between us. He tucks a strand of my brunette hair behind my hair

"Beautiful." He whispers. That's when I snap out of my gaze and wiggle out of his grip. I step back and create space between us.

Coughing, I avoid his eyes which are still looking at me. "Hmm, uhh..." I trail off.

He clears his throat before moving to sit on the kitchen stool where I was sitting. "So I was thinking we can go out today?"

Okay, what the hell is wrong with this guy today? If he keeps going on like this, I might get admitted to the hospital earlier than I thought in my life.

He frowns but with a smile. "So?"

I shake my head and clear my throat. "Yes, uhh, yes of course."

He links his hands and smirks. Ugh that stupid smirk. "Great. Be ready in 10 minutes." With that, he gets up and leaves. WITH MY ICE CREAM! The nerves.

Okay then, I guess it's time to get ready. This should not be hard.


Since I don't know where Leo is taking me, I decided to go simple with light blue jean shorts, a plain white shirt. I pair my outfit with white Adidas shoes. My hair is in a ponytail, as always.

As soon as I finish dressing up, I walk out of the room and downstairs where Leo is already waiting for me at the end of the stairs. He changed out of his sweats and into black dark jeans, a gray shirt and black shoes.

I snort. Dressed just like he's personality, dark.

He lifts his head up and runs his eyes shamelessly over my body before giving me a nod as if almost giving me his permission.

When I reach the last step, I stand in front of him and lift my head a little bit up so that I can look at him in the eyes. "So," I started. "Where to?"

Instead of answering, Leo smirks. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him. He's taking me out so the least I could do is be civil.

"Fine, let's go already."


The silence in the car almost chocked me to death until I moved my hand to turn on the radio. Thankfully Leo isn't one of those stick-stuck-in-the-ass kind of driver that doesn't allow anyone to touch his radio. But of course he didn't want me to sing. Cut me off from the first lyric, saying, and I quote, "My Aunt's fat cat can sing better than that."

Yeah rude, I know.

We have been traveling for about 20 minutes before he stops the car in front of a...cafe?

I look at him confused. "What are we doing here?"

Leo shakes his head. "I swear sometimes you ask one of the stupid things." That's all he says before getting out of the car. I follow suit not wanting him to leave me behind, but I only get even more confused when he suddenly appears in front of me.

I yelp, almost falling down if it wasn't for his hands holding me on my waist. Leo's ocean blue eyes gaze into my own. He lowers his head until I can feel his breath. His large hands pull me forward to collide into his chest causing the little space between us to close.

What is up with him today?

"Sunshine, never, and I mean never, get out of the car without me opening it for you. You have to let me be a gentleman." He caresses my cheek before stepping back. "Okay, let's go."

I blink a couple of times not believing what just happened. I honestly thought that Leonardo was the type to not get that close to people. That he wouldn't even acknowledge my presence for the remainder of the period we're supposed to be together. But that, that was just... I don't even know how to explain it.

"Are you okay Sunshine?" His voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I nod and brush of the none existent dust of my jeans. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay."

I walk to him before we both make our way inside the cafe. When we enter, the sweet aroma of food and treats hit my nostrils. The cafe is in a of a 80s or 90s vibe. Waiters and waitresses roll past us with rollerskates. I'm glad the place is a not busy, it's a little quiet with soft music in the background.

Leo leads me to the back booth next to the window. We sit opposite to each other. "This is really nice. It's unique." I voice my though out loud.

I watch as Leo looks at me with a look I can't tell but remains to keep a calm face. "I come here whenever I can or when I'm just craving their food." He shrugs at the end like it's nothing.

I put my hands on the table and grin. "I think I just found my new favourite place."

Before he even gets a chance to respond, a waitress comes to view. A black haired girl with a tight uniform on. When she sees Leo, she tucks her shirt down showing more of her cleavage.

"Hi, my name is Lexy. What can I get for you?" She says whilst looking at him.

I'm surprised when his eyes only focus on me, and I can see the waitress getting more and more frustrated.

"I'll have the cheesy flow burger with large fries." He orders.

The girl's face turns from a flirty one to a confused one, but writes down the order regardless. That's when she looks at me for the first time today, raising a brow as if saying "and you?"

I bite my lip preventing me from saying anything that might offend her. "I'll just have a regular cheese burger and medium sized fries."

The girl nods. Before she walks away, she scans her eyes on Leo, bites her lip and walks away swaying her hips from side to side.

Am I not being seen here?

"Leave her." Leo's voice causes me to avert my attention to him.

I frown. "What?"

He looks up from his phone, "Girls like her want nothing but money. Leave her." I nod. "I think it's time to get to know each other."

A small smile makes its way to my face. "20 questions?"

My holy matrimony (Complete) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن