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Chapter 31

            Today, unlike any other day this past month, Leonardo has left for work. Of course he doesn't know that I heard his conversation with Olivia so he kissed my forehead last night as well as this morning, completely oblivious of the situation at hand. Though I did put on a happy wife act to not raise suspicion.

So now I'm alone in the mansion, apart from the workers, since Olivia and Tyler went out for the day to get the boy clothes but I think she's also getting something for herself.

  I zip up my last bag that contains of the my last of things. I place my suitcase with the rest of my suitcases.

Yes, I'm leaving the city for a few months, just to figure things out. Of course I'm not going to deny Leonardo the opportunity of seeing his child, but I just need to get out of here before he comes or anyone else.

But I do leave a letter, a small letter explaining my actions.

Dear Leonardo,

I have left the city because I just can't take it anymore. You might not have noticed but ever since you took Olivia and Tyler in, you've been changing.

You don't take my emotions into consideration and for some reason I am now your least priority, and honestly I've had enough.

For weeks I've been enduring this, but yesterday was an eye opener. I listened to your conversation with Olivia and even saw how close the two of you were. I don't think I can handle anymore of this, so I'm leaving.

I have a secret to tell you, but not now, not when things are like this.

Please don't go looking for me, I need space.



   By the time I'm finished, there are tears in my eyes so I quickly wipe them, only managing to get a few on the paper.

I place the paper neatly on his side of the bed and right on time, the door opens revealing Alex. "Are you ready?" He asks.

I nod and make way to grab a bag when he stops me, "Don't, I'll help with those. By the way, Blaire and Penny are downstairs." He says.

I nod and make my way downstairs. Blaire and Penny don't know that I'm pregnant yet but they do know that I'm leaving and to say that they're not taking it well will be an understatement. But they understand my reasons behind it.

When I get into the living room, they notice me and immediately stand up and engulf me into a hug.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry." Blaire whispers into my ear.

"I swear when I see those two together I'll personally deal with them." Penny threatens.

I chuckle weakly then we pull back. "It's okay guys, I'll be okay." Though I'm saying it to them, it seems like I'm trying to convince myself.

"How about we go out for the last time?" Penny suggests.

I bite my lip for a few before nodding. Breakfast with them wouldn't hurt actually and I still have to tell them about the pregnancy.


We choose to eat at Pizza Pasta, our favourite restaurant. Alex decided to join us as he will be the one to give me a ride to the airport.

"This is actually a nice place." Penny comments as we all sit down after ordering.

We all nod in agreement. The pizza place is a beautiful place that gives of a carefree atmosphere. The owner used the colours grey, white and black to decorate the place. It gives of a modern look.

[Picture on top, from Pinterest]

Soon, our order comes. We've ordered two pizzas to share for all of us.

Penny clear her throat, "So... um are we going to address the elephant in the room?"

Silence takes its course before I start saying the obvious. "I'm leaving the city. I don't know when I'll be back but I know that I have to leave." They all nod. "And I guess I have to tell you that I'm... I'm pregnant." I close my eyes waiting for the response.

"We knew," I definitely did not expect that.

I open my eyes and stare at the both of them in confusion. "You what?!" I exclaim, then I look at Alex who's witnessing the whole thing unfold in front of him in silence, and also stuffing his face. "You told them didn't you?" I glare at him.

His eyes widen. He drops the pizza and raises his hands. "No I didn't! I swear!"

"It's true he didn't." Blaire says at the same time Penny asks, "Wait, he knew before us? Me?"

I look at her with a sheepish smile, "He was actually there when I found out so..." I shrug and flash them an apologetic look to which they nod at.

"How did you find out?" I get back at the question at hand.

"Come on Alison, the signs were there." Blaire starts. "You were always hungry, hungrier than ever."

"Every little scent started making you feel nausea, and at times you vomited." Penny points out.

"And let's not forget how moody you've become. All these are big signs of either PMSing or pregnancy." Alex says.

I raise a brow at him. "Oh so now I'm moody, huh? If I was so moody to the point of annoying you why didn't you say something?" I snapped, and that's when I realised they were right.

I groan and rub my face. "Ugh, I'm so sorry guys. I don't know what's wrong with me." I felt like crying.

Penny wraps her arms around me and gives me a side hug. "You're pregnant honey, and don't see it as something wrong, see it as a blessing."

"Yeah," Blaire adds. "and we'll always be here to help you. We'll just be one call away." Then she breaks into a grin and looks at Penny, which she then returns.

Oh no. Please don't...

"I'm only one, call away. I'll be there to save the day." They both start singing out loud earning us stares from those around us. "Superman got nothing on me, I'm only one call away!"

I nod my head violently and stop them with my hands. Fortunately, I managed to stop the two of them. Unfortunately, Alex started finishing off where they left, in a very high pitched cringeworthy voice, and later on causing the two to join him.

"Call me darling if you need a friend..."

   Let's just say, even if we got kicked out of the restaurant for disturbance, it was then that I realised how hard this moving is going to be for me. But I'm glad that I got to spend my last day with them, until further notice, like this.

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