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Chapter 34

"Before we begin, we just want to tell you how sorry we are for the way we have been treating you all this years." Father says.

We are back in the room where my fate was decided for me, the office. Whatever they are about to tell me must be big because I'm never allowed in here, as I've mentioned before.

I stiffly nod.

"So it first started shortly after you were born, I believe you were 3 years old. Our company was failing miserably, and we had two choices, either to find help or to shut down." He starts explaining.

"But honey you need to understand that we couldn't shut it down. We needed the money to secure your future. But I guess we weren't about it the wrong way," Mother says looking down in what I think is embarrassment.

Father must have noticed the confused look on my face and continues. "We asked for help from every businessman we could think of. Friends we thought would have our back turned on us. It wasn't until the business was on the verge of closing did one businessman approach us. Arron Stern. He saved the business by loaning us millions of dollars and at that time we thought it was out of his good will, but we later found out that it wasn't.

He tricked us, backed us into a corner and requested his payment. He wanted you."

A gasp escapes my mouth, the look on my face portraying on of disgust and shock. "But I... I was too young for him."

They both nod. "Yes, which is why he wanted you as soon as you graduated from high school since, to him, you'd be mature enough." Mother says.

"Anyways, at that moment it was then we started planning on ways of protecting you. We even thought distancing ourselves from you will protect you because we didn't want to get attached when we lose you." He explains.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "I am not a dog. And for your information your approach was wrong, very wrong. You made me think for years you didn't love me." I spat, the feeling of being abandoned overcoming my emotions.

They look at me with pleading looks. "We know that baby, and we're very sorry. At first it was hard then I guess we started becoming used to it and even getting carried away."

"Let's not forget the abuse. Or was that part of the plan too?" I ask sarcastically. Mother shakes her head, tears strolling down her face. "So how does Leonardo get involved in this forced marriage?"

Father answers, "Months before your graduation, remember we took you to one of our events for the first time, and that was when he saw you and was amazed by you I guess. After that, each and every event we attended he kept on asking for you. That's when your mother and I saw that he liked you in a way, even though he has never spoken to you."

"So, we came up with a plan, to send you away with him." Mother says.

"But that didn't mean I had to marry him, I could've at least lived with him only until you sort things out with this guy. Where is he now, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Leonardo agreed to help us pay our debt. We no longer owe him." Father explains.

I nod, relieved that I won't have to meet the guy. "You still haven't given me a reason on why I had to marry him."

"We had to make the whole marriage thing real. But do you remember signing any marriage certificate on your day?" Mother asks, which gets me thinking.

No, I didn't sign a marriage certificate, I didn't even think about that. So does that mean him and I aren't legally married?

I shake my head at that question.

She nods. "Then you're not really married, the marriage was just for show." But it felt so real.

I nod despite the fact that I don't like the thought of not really being married to him. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?" I ask them.

They nod. "Yes honey, now we can finally be a normal happy family without that monster breathing down our necks." Mother says with a hopeful look and I strongly disagree with her.

"You might have told me the reason to the marriage but that doesn't explain the reason to the abuse. You broke me, made my life a living hell throughout," I stand up and look at them with a blank face, "We'll never be a normal family. Things like this take time, and because of your unborn grandchild, I'm willing to try."

With that, I step out of the office before they get burden me with questions. Honestly after that conversation, I feel tired yet relieved.

Maybe, just maybe, we'd be a happy family.

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