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Chapter 7

                 So far I've learnt that Leo's favourite colour is black (figures), his family moved to England when he finished college which is why he doesn't go to work at that time. I've also learnt things like what he does in his rare time, what his business is actually about and much more.

It surprises me how open he was to me. I'd swear the Leo I met about a few days ago and this one here is two different people.

I don't know if I should actually be picking a favourite but I would prefer this one over anything, I mean the dude even bought me a bag of candy after lunch. Don't think cranky stick-stuck-in-the-ass Leo would have done that.

"Where are we going?" I ask Leo as we walk to an unknown destination. My arm is starting to ache from holding the bag of snacks for such a long time.

He doesn't answer for a couple of seconds first, "I'm taking you some place."

I sigh, "I know that, where though?"

He looks at me with his infamous smirk, his blue eyes twinkling. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

I roll my eyes but with a smile regardless. The sun has started to set. As we walk together in the forest with thick trees, the view being very beautiful. The sound of the birds chirping here and there. But regardless of the beautiful scenery, my stupid mind can't help but wonder if he's going to kill me or not. But I'm sure he didn't take me out to dinner only to kill me, right?


After a couple of strolls in the forest we finally come to a clearing and a small cottage with a beautiful garden. There's so a lake a few feet away from the house.

My mouth hangs as no words come out.

"This is where I come to think." He breaks the silence after minutes of it.

I blink a couple of times averting my eyes away from the beautiful cottage to the man beside me. "How...why...hmm-" why can't I construct one normal english sentence?

Leo chuckles, "This is- well was my parents' cottage before they gave it to me before moving. As I said, I come here to think or just get away from the busy world."

I nod. "But why are we here, and why did you choose now to show me the cottage?"

I mean, he and I haven't known each other for a long time. I'm not saying that I am secretive but I wouldn't have chosen now to tell someone something so important to me. Maybe wait a couple of weeks or months. So for him to show me this makes me feel honoured.

His blue eyes pierce through mine and I don't think I'll ever get used to how they make me feel. Weak on the knees.

"Because we have to talk about the contract."


I knew we'd have to talk about the contract anytime soon but I am still not ready. Just thinking about it makes me think about my parents. Yes, I'm still not over what they did and surprisingly for me, I haven't thought about them in a long time.

I gulp, taking a sit on the brown leather couch in the living room.

Leo took me in the cottage after saying that and showed me around the cottage. It gives off a homey vibe with its beautiful wooden and vintage furniture. It's in good shape and Leo says the reason for that is because when he comes here twice a week to clean it when he knocks off early at work.

"Shall we start now?" The carefree Leo is no more, now present is a business type of Leo. This is part of why I'm this nervous.

I can only nod. My mouth somehow starts feeling dry, so I take a sip of the glass of water Leo offered.

He nods too and places a stack of papers on his lap. "What I actually want us to discuss is how we're going to act in front of the public to make our 'relationship' believable," He states. "And we must also attend small gathering for the rich, ceremonies, and tv shows including interviews. In those you are to only answer what we practiced, if they ask you anything other than that, you avert the question. Understood?"

I nod. "But when you say that we must attend parties and whatnot, do you mean all of them?"

I see him sigh though it was almost not heard, "Yes all of them. People need to see that you're my fiancée. We need to get the word around."

I bite the inside of my cheek. I don't know if I can survive being around a lot of people, rich ones might I add. It's also bad enough that the attention will be on me, I'm marrying the youngest billionaire in America after all.

"Are you okay?" His voice brings me out of my trance.

I look up from my lap and nod, "I'm good. Continue." I urge him.

"Okay." He says with a bit of hesitancy as if seeing that this is too much for me. "You don't have to worry about the dress and all those things. Blaire will be in charge of them including the dates of when we're attending those events. In fact, she's coming in a few days to update you." He states.

There's one question that has been roaming in my mind for a while and I don't know if he'll get angry at me for asking or not, but I just have to. So I take the chance,

"Why did you choose to marry me?"

A pin drop silence falls between us. A look I can't catch flashes past Leo's eyes and they start to darken. It's like the atmosphere has thickened all of a sudden.

Stupid, stupid Alison. Why did you have to ask that question?

"We have to start practicing on how we are going to act in front of people," he repeats avoiding the question.

Okay then?

"And I think we should start with kissing." He says with a deadpan face.

Say what now?!

Hey fellow wattpadians! ❤️

I'm really sorry for not updating in a looong time, please forgive me. School has been pretty hectic for me and the pressure is too much but I'm back!!

I'd also like to think those who are giving my book a chance. I really appreciate it. Your reads and votes make my day and are the ones that motivate me to continue writing.

Also, please let's not be ghost readers. I'd like to know your thoughts on the story so far and votes. It'd help a lot.

Until next time❤️ don't forget to vote, comment and share. Remember, don't be a ghost reader.

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