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Chapter 32

                    Work was hectic, and the fact that I haven't been to work in days was now causing me to be buried in a pile of work. And to top things off, I'm going to have to home late tonight, later than usual.

It is already 8pm in the evening and even though I've worked way past this time numerous times in the past, for some reason I couldn't tonight. The reason being Alison, my beautiful wife, and Tyler, my son.

I have noticed how much of a strain living with both Tyler and his mother had caused our marriage but I'm planning on fixing it. I'm tired of the constant fights and meaningless apologies.

So to start things off, I've been house haunting for days now. This house is going to be for Tyler and Olivia. Them living in my house that I share with my wife will not work and I think it's time they moved out. Olivia and I will have to find a way to co-parent.

But either way they are moving out.

  Groaning, I run my hand through my hair and close my laptop. I'm done for the day. I don't think I'll be able to work for another minute. I'll just have to work from home.

I only pack my laptop in the bag and sling it on my shoulder, then I make my way out of the office. Ronald, my other personal assistant, flashes me a tired smile when he sees me. "Going home, sir?" He asks.

I nod. "Pack the work that's on my table and bring it to my house first thing tomorrow morning. You're dismissed." With that, I enter the elevator.


    The ride home felt like a long one, even if it only took me a few minutes to arrive.

Entering home, I was engulfed by a delicious aroma. I immediately made my way to the kitchen, expecting to see my wife but instead find Olivia.

I try to mask my disappointment and flash her a tight smile. She responds with a suggestive smirk. "You're finally home. I've been waiting for hours. Tyler and I missed you."

I noticed how she said "home" and tensed at that. She sure did make herself at home.

I nod, "Is Alison asleep?" I ask her.

She snorts lowly but smiles. "I don't know. Haven't seen her all day." She then quickly dismisses the topic by asking me about my day.

I only answer briefly before excusing myself. I had to see my beautiful wife, that's the only way I'll relax.

A grin makes its way on my face when I finally make it to our room but gets wiped off when I see that she's not in here. "Alison?" I calm out thinking that maybe she's in the shower or closet.

When I don't get a response back, I go to the bathroom and check for myself. Nothing.

I then go to the walk-in closet. Nothing.

Panicked, I take out my phone with sweaty palms and dial her number. It rings a few times before going into voicemail. I'm about to call again when I see a paper beside the bed. The side that I sleep on.

I make my way to it and frown when I see that it is a letter. My heart pounds in my chest with an unsettling feeling.

It is a letter, addressed to me by Alison herself and it reads :

Dear Leonardo,

I have left the city because I just can't take it anymore. You might not have noticed but ever since you took Olivia and Tyler in, you've been changing.

You don't take my emotions into consideration and for some reason I am now your least priority, and honestly I've had enough.

For weeks I've been enduring this, but yesterday was an eye opener. I listened to your conversation with Olivia and even saw how close the two of you were. I don't think I can handle anymore of this, so I'm leaving.

I have a secret to tell you, but not now, not when things are like this.

Please don't go looking for me, I need space.



  By the time I'm finished reading it, my lips are trembling and a drop lands on the paper.

"No." I whisper at first in disbelief. "No!" I raise my voice this time. I stand up and smash the first thing I can touch. "No! No! No! No! No!"

All I see is red as I continue trashing the room. My pictures, the lamp, the chair, the table, the wall, the bed. Everything is a disaster. I keep doing all this while still chanting "No"

That's when I hear someone calling my name multiple times. I don't listen to them when whoever it is tells me to stop. It is only when the person hugs my tense body do I stop.

It's Olivia.

Oh, how bad I wished it was Alison instead. Telling me how much of a lie the letter it is and following it up by saying "April fools". But it wasn't her, so meaning she really is gone. And it sure as hell wasn't April fools.

One question of all the questions I'm asking myself in my head stood out. What is her secret and how big could it be?



           Watching Leo trash the room was not at all a good sight. I asked myself what made him to such an awful and painful thing. But when I read the letter in his hands it became clear.

Alison left her. That bitch finally crawled back to whatever hole she came out of. Took her long enough. I thought I'd have to kill her for the spot of number one in Leo's heart.

A mischievous grin makes its way on my face.

I had won!

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