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The sound of the alarm ringing wakes me up. Most days I'll be annoying and refusing to get out of bed, but today I spring out of bed with so much excitement.

The reason for that is because today is the first day of varsity and I can not wait. Yes, call me a nerd if you want to but it won't change anything.

I quickly jog to the in suit bathroom and stand in front of the mirror next to the sink. I sooth my hands through my brunette tangled hair until it's okay. Afterwards I brush my teeth for about two minutes and then jump into the shower.

After showering, I wrap my light pink gown, which I bought when I went shopping with Alex and Blaire, around my body.

Walking into my room, I open the closet and take out an outfit suitable for today. A white body suit written "Babe" with a scotch mini skirt paired up with black combat boots.

Just as I comb my hair, my bedroom door opens up and in comes Penny wearing a denim mini skirt and a yellow crop top paired with yellow vans shoes.

"Look at you, I knew you'll be pulling all stops for today but I didn't think you'll look this great!" She exclaims as she lets her eyes run up and down my body.

My cheeks heat up as she says that, but I cover it with an eye roll. "Yeah yeah, but not as good as you though."

She flips her red hair and smiles. "I know." We both giggle.

"By the way, how long are you going to stay here for?" I ask Penny.

She gasps. "Are you already chasing me away from your hubby's house?" She fakes a hurt expression.

I roll my eyes at how dramatic she's being. "Shut up and answer the question."

"Fine, and for your information I'm moving out today. I was just waiting for my apartment next to the school to be complete, you know furniture and all." She explains.

Penny has always hated the idea of living in the school campus. She says she doesn't want to spend her school life with someone she doesn't know and trapped in a small box where she cannot even have parties.

Her words not mine!

So she decided to ask her parents to rent her an apartment next to school. I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it is beautiful, after all Penny has great taste.

When we get downstairs, we walk into the kitchen first, our haven or safe place.

In the kitchen we find Liz placing two plates of breakfast on the island. "Good morning you two. Ready for the first day of college?" Liz asks.

We both sit down next to our plates. "This one is," she says pointing at me. "But I'm not. The only thing I'm ready for is socialising!" She sings the last word causing both Liz and I to laugh.

"Well you enjoy your college days, because I did back in my days. The number of parties I went to, oh and the boys there..."

"Ohff, and that's our cue." With that, Penny and I hurriedly pick up our bags but before we even get out of the house, we are stopped by Leonardo dressed in his black suit.

He looks at us, his eyes trailing up and down my body, the way Penny did it but this time it feels different, sending chills and causing my legs to wobble. After taking me in, he nods as though he is greeting us.

"You're going to school right?" We both nod. "Let's go then." He states.

My eyes widen. "What! No. Penny has a car and she's a fair driver if I must say, so you don't-" Leo cuts me off rudely.

"I wasn't asking for your permission." He says flatly while looking.

"Well then, I don't mind. But just let me pass," she passes past us. "Because I can't handle this heat." She mumbles afterwards.

My eyes snap back at Leo only to find his eyes already on mine. "Are you still going to disagree with me?" He questions.

I sigh. What's the use of that when Penny has already agreed with him. "No." I answer.

"Good," he steps closer to me. "Because next time if you want to drive yourself, don't wear something as sexy as this." He hooks his thumb to the waist of my skirt. "I don't like people looking at what's mine."

Okay, cue blush please! And since when have I been his?

"You've been mine for a very long time now princess." Leo answers my question.

Well, fuck then!

He suddenly backs away and acts as though nothing has happened. "Shall we?"

I snap out of the gaze and nod, not trusting my words.


The school looks just as we last saw it, big and beautiful with the name ' Amril Scoot University ', except this time the students are ten times as large as the last.

"I can't wait to get started." I gosh as we make our way to the entrance point.

When we make our way inside, we stop a bit since we're not going to the same class.

"Ugh, my first class is English." Penny groans as she remembers her schedule. I laugh at how miserable she looks.

Penny is starting journalism, her reason for that is that she loves gossip. Her words not mine.

"Well, my first class is drama so see yeah!" I exclaim excitedly and make my way to the drama class which is one the other side of the school.

When I finally get to the classroom door, that's when nerves started kicking in.

What if I won't do great in this class, what if this isn't my forte? I can't have my parents shouting how right they were about me. I just can't.

Suddenly, my phone pings alerting me that I've just received a message. I unlock it and the message a see completely shocks me.

Unknown : I know that the first day of college are always the hardest but I believe in you. Go in there and show them who you are. P.s. Leonardo

A smile makes a way to my face. Talk about perfect timing. I immediately save his number as "Moody Leo" because he really is moody.

Moody Leo: by the way I'm having a car pick you up.

I shake my head but the smile never leaving my face. What the hell is this man doing to me.


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