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Chapter 12

"Ughh." That was the first thing that uttered out of my mouth as soon as I woke up.

My head is pounding and spinning, and the light illuminating the room seems to be making it worse. I definitely regret drinking so much.

And I have my dear best friend to think for that.

I make a move to leave but just as I do so, a hand - which I don't know who it belongs from - pulls me back.

"What the-" I get cut off by someone talking.

"Stop moving around." Leo.

I turn my body so that I am face to face with him. His eyes are still closed, he looks so peaceful with his eyes closed, his pink plum lips are kind of... inviting.

Bad Alison, bad!

"You can take a picture if you want." Right after he says that, I groan.

I push his hands away from my body, this time he agrees, letting me pounce off the bed. "Way to ruin the fun by saying something cliche."

Only then when I climb off the bed do I realise that I'm half naked, with only my underwear on.

I look at Leonardo with wide eyes. "Uhh, why am I half naked?"

Instead of answering, he chuckles first and stands up from the bed. My cheeks redden as I see that he's only in his boxers.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

He starts wearing his gray sweatpants and shirt. "What do you want to know?"

I cross my arms across my chest. "Don't start with me, you know exactly what I want to hear."

"Relax, nothing happened. You were to drunk last night so I decided to take you home myself. I would have left you alone in your bedroom but you kept falling off the bed, hence my arms around you. And you're half naked because, really princess, who would want to sleep in that tight dress of yours that made you look so sexy, might I add."

By the time he was finished talking, he was - not even arms length - away from me. His minty fresh breath keeps fanning me. Somehow he ended up with his hands on my hips.

"So damn sexy." He whispers.

I find myself getting lost in Leo's ocean eyes. They seem both hypnotizing and intimidating, but there's also something soft about them.

I snap out of my gaze and step back. "As long as you didn't take advantage of me them I'm good." I too start dressing up, trying to forget the fact that Leonardo is standing right behind me.

"Ouch! It hurts to think that I'll do that to you." I turn to him once I have my dress on, and send him a teasing smile.

"You can never be too sure when it comes to you Mr O'Neil."

Leonardo smiles and shakes his head. "I'm hungry, want to go get something to eat in my favourite diner?"

I shrug. "Sure."

He opens the door for me and once I'm out, he gets out too. But I don't expect him to take my small hand intl his large one as he walk downstairs.

Control yourself Alison.

When we get downstairs, I decide to take a small trip to the kitchen to drink a cup of water before departing, but what I see definitely shocks me.

Penny is sitting on top of the counter whilst eating a bowl of cereal - the box of cereal being next to her.

"Oh hey girl, want some?" She picks up the box of cereal and waves it in front of her, once she notices me.

I shake my head declining the offer since I already agreed to eat out with Leo. "What are you doing in here? Does Leo even know that you're in his house?" I whisper the last part.

"Of course I do princess." Leo says from behind me as he enters.

I don't even question him and just nod. I turn to Penny, who is still stuffing her face. "We're going out to eat..." Before I even finish, Penny cuts me off.

"Cool, I'm coming." She hops off the counter, disregarding her bowl of cereal, and walks towards us.

She smiles at both of us. "Let's go, I'm starving." With that, she walks past us.

"Great, now we have company." Leonardo mumbles under his breath.

With a slap on his chest and telling his to play nice, I follow Penny out.


"Mmm, this is so good." Penny moans out loud.

We arrived at the diner a few minutes ago. It is the same diner that Leonardo took me to weeks ago when he wanted us to get to know each other well.

Surprisingly, during breakfast, Leonardo and Penny have been going against each other, disagreeing with everything the other says.

"How do you know that, you eat everything that comes your way." Leonardo states while poking his food.

Penny stop eating midway and death glares at Leo. "I think you have a problem with me, duckhead."

See, I told you. But I think it's their way of being friendly towards each other, their own definition of being friends that is. That or I think Leonardo is still pissed that Penny tagged along. L

"Princess, and one elf, I'll be right back." Leonardo says as he stands up and walks away.

"Ugh, your fiance is annoying." Penny groans in annoyance, but all I could hold is an amused smile and my eyes trailing off to where Leonardo just went.

"Oh my gosh!" She suddenly screams causing me to look at her with wide eyes. "Were those love struck eyes I just saw?"

I scoff loudly. "No. I'm not in love with Leonardo."

"I never said you are, maybe like?" Once again I disagree with her. "Hmm, keep telling yourself that Alison because I can sense something electric, magnetic, ma-"

"Penny! Shut up and eat your food before I finish them off for you." I threaten.

She gasps and protects her food. "Don't you dare threaten my food and I. But I will eat my food because this really is delicious!" She exclaims and goes back to eating.

Within minutes, Leonardo comes back but my mind isn't set on what he says because I can't help but wonder if Penny's words were true.

Do I have feelings for Leonardo O'Neil?


Hey guys! Here's another chapter for y'all, I really hope that you enjoy it. I think I had to rewrite it three times coz I didn't know what should follow that heat scene between the two main characters but I did!

Please, don't be a ghost reader, vote, comment and share with your friends.

Until next time❤️

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