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Chapter 34

                  *One month since Alison left*

                  A month, that's how long Alison left and it has been torture for me.

Because of that, my original plan to move Olivia and Tyler was delayed as I was busy with either looking for Alison, work or being depressed.

But I started noticing something when she left, Olivia's odd behaviour. I noticed how she has been acting as though we're marries and she owns the house. In fact, now that I think back at it, she started way before Alison left.

Damn, I wonder how my baby felt about it and the fact that I was completely oblivious makes everything worse. What if she though that I don't love her? What if she thought I love Olivia now because that's absolutely wrong.

I love her and her only, I just need to regain her trust back.

  I take a sip of the scotch in my glass and sigh as it burns my throat. Now that's good.

My office door opens and in comes Alexander, "Really dude? Drinking while doing your work? You know we can't afford any mistakes, right?"

I set the drink down and shrug. "It's not like I'm at work or anything. I'm working from home so I can do whatever I want. Plus, drinks make me forget about her."

I probably sound silly but I don't care. I miss her more than anything.

Alex only rolls his eyes and sets papers on the table. "Are you still looking for her?" He asks and I nod to the question. "Any luck?"

I shake my head and groan. "No man! It's like she vanished in thin air. I checked the nearby towns, cities and nothing. I checked with her relatives even though she's not close to them. I checked her best friend's house and nothing. I would have checked with her parents but I know she wouldn't go back there, not after they sold her out."

I take a big gulp of the drink, clearly becoming frustrated on the situation. Where the hell is she?

"Well, you'll be surprised." He mumbles under his breath and plays with the paper on the table.

I frown and look at him suspiciously. "What do you mean?"

His eyes widen and he chuckles awkwardly, "Nothing. I was just saying nonsense. You know how I get when I'm tired."

I nod slowly but shrug it off. "I just want to find her and apologize to her but she isn't even taking my calls." I ignore the pain of not hearing from her, "Did you send her the money?" I ask him.

"Yes, $10 000 has been sent into her account. I did it this morning." I nod at that.

Yes, I've been sending her money weekly to ensure that she has a place to stay, food to eat and she's comfortable. I couldn't sit in my mansion comfortably when there's a possibility of her sleeping under a bridge. No.

Suddenly, my phone rings and I answer it without looking at the caller ID It could be Alison after all.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Nardo, Tyler has been into an accident at school." Disappoint washes over me when I realise that it's Olivia instead of Alison. I should've just checked the caller ID, but I don't think I would've answered it either.

Then I remember that Tyler is in trouble. I shoot up from my sit and grab my coat. "What?! Where is he?"

I walk out of the office and sprint to the car with Alex behind me. "We-we are at Red Cross Hospital."

"Okay, stay put and I'll be there." I end the call and get into my car. Alex gets into the passenger side and before you know it, we are exiting.


    We arrive at the hospital within record time. I'm surprised the cops didn't stop me as I was driving fast.

Alex and I rush inside and walk to the reception. "Where's Tyler Finn?" Yes, I haven't changed his last name to mine because I don't yet have time.

The receptionist looks at the computer and types. "Um, he's in the children's section, room R04."

With speed, I take the stairs to the floor upstairs because I don't think I would be able to sit still in the elevator for a couple of seconds.

When I arrive on that floor, I see Alexander leaning on wall looking at the direction of the stairs I just came from. "When did you get here? I thought you're behind me?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "I would never take stairs when there's a perfectly working elevator here. Stairs are the devil's work I tell you." I would've laughed at his statement but instead I walked past him and stop when I see Olivia sitting at the waiting area with tears strolling down her face.

I walk to her and sit beside her, "How is he?" I ask without greeting.

She looks up at me and sniffs, "I don't know, the doctor has been with him since he came and not a single one of them has filled me up."

I nod, "What happened exactly? Wasn't he at the school trip at the zoo?"

She nods, "Yes, apparently Tyler tripped down some stairs and trembled down landing badly on the floor. The school drove him here and called me." She starts crying as she tells the story. "You have to sue the school Nardo, you have to!"

She cries ugly, no offence, on my chest and I'm left to console her. I just hope my boy is alright.

"Mr and Mrs O'Neil?" I hear a voice say. From behind me.

Olivia jumps from the sit and practically shouts, "Yes, that's us."

I turn back, ready to correct whoever said that because I'm NOT married to her. But as I turn, I see my old friend Fred, and he is now a doctor.

"Fred?" I ask out of complete shock. I mean, I haven't seen this guy since our college years.

Fred chuckles and nods. "Hey man, haven't seen you in years man who are you doing?" He bro hugs Alex and I, who is also excited to see him.

"Not that good. My boy is in there so, yeah." I say in a low voice.

"And speaking of your boy, how is our son?" Olivia asks Fred with hopeful eyes.

"Oh, right. Tyler will be okay, it was just a broken leg and arm. He also had a pole stuck inside his leg but we managed to get it out." He explains, and the three of us release a breath of relief. "But on his way here he did lose a lot of blood so we'll need blood from other people who have donated it recently if you're uncomfortable with it."

I immediately agree, not having a problem with that. "Of course, I'll donate. Anything for my child." Beside me, I see Alex shake his head but I ignore that.

I turn to Olivia and see a frightened look on her face when I ask if she'll do the same. "No, I'm afraid of needles remember?"

"It's okay. Leonardo, I'll come and get you when I've set up everything. For now, you and Mrs O'Neil can go see Tyler." He says and turns to leave.

Alex looks at me and says, "Um, I'm going to chat with the doctor for a few minutes. You know, catch up and staff. Say hi to the little man for me." With that, he runs after Fred.

  Olivia and I walk inside and see Tyler playing with a tablet on the hospital bed. He looks a little pale but seems fine.

"Oh my baby." She cries and hugs her.

I just stand on the urge of the bed and smile at him, glad that he's going to be okay. I wouldn't have handled something being wrong in my life again.


Another chapter for you guys.
I don't know any medical terms so I apologize if Fred didn't sound professional.

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