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Chapter 27

              Short blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, skinny with a billion dollar smile. Whoever this Olivia girl is is beautiful.

I watch as she places the sleeping boy gently on the couch and stands up with a smile. "Leonardo?" She giggles and walks to him. "I can't believe it's you." She then hugs him. Right in front of my eyes!

Leo is still as stiff as ever and noticing that, Olivia pulls back but remains close to him. "What are you doing here?" He asks her.

Only then does she step back and drops her smile. She fiddles with her bracelet and says, "I have something to tell you." She looks at me and Alex l, almost expecting us to give them privacy.

Leo notices that and sighs. "Alexander, Alison, please excuse." I frown and when he sees that, he kisses my temple, "It won't take long, I promise."

I nod and head out after Alex. Blaire snaps her head to me when she sees me getting out and walks over and gives me a hug. "Are you okay?" She asks and pulls back.

I frown once again today and nod. "Yeah, I shouldn't be mad about cutting my honeymoon short because we will still get more vacation days together, right?" I convince myself rather than convincing her.

She shakes her head. "I'm not talking about that Alison. I'm talking about-" before she could finish, Alex calls her out.

"Blaire," now it's his turn to shake his head. "don't." That's all it takes for her to keep quiet, and that alone made even more curious as to what is actually happening.

  Soon enough, the door opens and out comes Olivia with the boy in her arms and Leo behind them. He whispers something to her making her nod her head.

Leo then look at me and gestures for me to come. I walk into his office and close the door behind me.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath. "Please tell me that whatever this meeting was was important because I'll lose it if it wasn't." I sit down on the chair next to his big brown desk.

He chuckles lowly and nods. "Even though it could have waited three more days, it was important." That's all he says.

"So who's that woman? It seemed like you knew her,"

"That's Olivia, she was my girlfriend of three years then she became my fiance for a couple of months." He explains.

I take deep breaths and swallow the lump in my throat, but nod regardless. "So what did she want?" I ask the burning question.

Leo starts avoiding eye contact with me and keeps quiet. I frown and ask again, but raising my voice a bit. "Leonardo, I asked you a question, what does she want?"


I bang my hand on the table and stand up. "For fuck's sake O'Neil answer the damn question!"

"It's my child, okay?! It's my child!" He responds with an equally raised voice.

I gasp and stare at him in confusion. "What?"

He brings his hands to his head and look at the table. "The boy she's holding, it's mine and she cane to tell me." He says lowly and if I wasn't listening enough I wouldn't have heard him.

I sit back down on the chair. Eyes wide, I ask him, "Did you know?"

"Yeah, definitely knew that I had a child and decided to abandon him and let him grow fatherless." He snaps at me sarcastically.

My heart clenches in hurt but I push it away knowing his only saying these things because he's in shock.

He raises his head and takes my hands into his. "I'm sorry Sunshine, this whole thing is overwhelming. I don't know what to do."

I can only imagine how he must be feeling right now. Known that you missed out on a lot of important moments of his first born must be devastating, and this all came sudden to him and may affect his life.

  I squeeze his hand, "It will be okay. This might be too much for you but just know that I'll always be right by your side. That is what I promised you in front of the pastor, right?"

He chuckles and nods. "Yes. Thank you for that Sunshine."

"Always." I smile at him and lean back on my chair. "So what are you planning to do?"

He looks at me with a sheepish smile and runs his hand through his hair. "Well, I was wondering if they could both move in with us for now, if you're okay with that"

When the hell did my start being filled with so much drama.

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