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Chapter 30

     It has been about a month and a half since Olivia and Tyler came into our life, and true to his word, I joined Leo and his son one day on their bonding days. But as they say, good things must come to an end because shortly after that, he started neglecting me again.

He does apologize when we get into a fight about that which ends in a night of make up sex. Last night was one of those nights.

Yet, throughout the whole month I've been feel sicker and sicker each day. One day I'm feeling dizzy and nausea, the next I'm feel totally tired. It has been worrying me for days now so today I've decided to see a doctor about it.

I wear my sneakers that I've paired with my black jeans and a grey Adidas hoodie because I couldn't care less about my appearance today as today seems to be one of those days I'm tired for no reason.

Well, maybe there is a reason today.

  I grab my small Loui bag and place my phone, headsets, lipstick and keys before going downstairs.

A strong delicious aroma draws me into the kitchen where I see Leo cooking breakfastx with nothing but his pants and Liz's apron on. His muscles bulging as he moves around. Now that's a sight I won't mind waking up to.

He notices my presence and flashes me his panty dropping smile. "Hey baby."

I walk to him and kiss his lips tenderly. "Hey love. Whatcha doing?" I ask him.

"Since Liz took the day off to go a family gathering, I thought I'd make breakfast today." He says.

I chuckle and sit down, before remembering that I had something to ask him. "Hey babe, I've been feeling a bit sick lately and I thought I should go see the doctor today." I start.

He looks at me worriedly, "What's wrong? I've noticed you've been feeling down but I thought it was because of your exams and projects."

I shrug, "I guess it is but I want to be sure." He nods and continues with his work. "So I was wondering with you could come with me seeing as you're off today?"

Leo stops what he's doing and bites his lip. "Uhm, I'm sorry babe but I can't. Olivia and I have decided to enroll Tyler in the private school in town, so we have a meeting with the principal."

I frown at the rejection. "Can't Olivia do it by herself, it doesn't really need two people, now does it?" I can't help but feel my blood boil by the second.

And what he does next annoys me even more, he rolls his fucking eyes. "So does going to the doctor."

I stand up abruptly and slam my hand on the table. "Can you, for once, act like a damn husband and do your duties?"

He tugs his hair in frustration. "Gosh Alison, when will you stop being so god damn selfish and think about someone other than yourself?"

My eyes widen at that, his words cutting through my heart. I would never peg myself as the selfish type, but I guess he sees me that way.

I scoff and shake my head. "If asking you to accompany your sick wife to the doctor is being selfish then I'm sorry, I'm fucking sorry." With that, I leave the kitchen and walk out, slamming the door by mistake in the process.

I take a deep breath run my hand through my poorly combed messy hair, because I was too tired to comb it. I then take out my phone and dial the first person my mind runs to, surprisingly.

"Yello, you called so how can the big A man help you?"

I chuckle weakly at his greeting, "Hi Alex, I kind of need a favour. I need someone to accompany me to the doctor. It won't take that long, the longest will have to be about an hour."

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