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Chapter 33

              After a day of flying to my destination, I was completely exhausted. It felt like I just ran a marathon... and lost.

Good news, I was reading about pregnancies the duration of my trip. It's safe to say that now I was feeling both excited and anxious. I just want to be good mother.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have now landed in George-ville. Enjoy your stay." The flight attendant says.

Yes, I went back home. I mean, I don't know anyone aside from Leo, Penny, Blaire, Alex and Liv. So the obvious answer was back with my parents. They're definitely going to be livid.

I can't wait.

  After collecting my bags, I head over to were the other people were standing with signs with names on, the waiting area. That's when my eye catches a sign with my name on it.

I smile and roll my bags towards the person. William, Penny's little brother (16 years of age) offered to give me a ride home. I'm not really that close to him but seeing as I can't call my parents to pick me up or Mary since she's still working, I called him.

"Look at you all grown up." I beam at him and give him a hug, to which he responds to by hugging me with one hand since he's grown up.

He let's go and smiles at me. "I'm guessing you're very tired and you want to go home?"

I nod laughing, "Yes, I'm jet legged." With that, we move to his car that's outside while talking about what I've missed in town.

Turns out he now has a girlfriend, for two months now. He made the football team and the school representative council. He also spoke about how the school has changed and surprisingly, how he hasn't seen much of my parents since I last moved away.

Soon, he parks the car at the mansion, my parents' mansion and I swear I could hear my heart raising by the minute.

"Well, this is your stop. I'll just help you carry the bags inside." He offers but I shoot him down. It's only three bags and I didn't want him to be caught up between my parents' and I.

"It's okay Will, I have it from here. Thank you very much though." I say sincerely.

We get out of the car and he takes out the bags and places them on the doorstep. "Goodluck." That's all he says before going back to his car, but not before giving me a hug.

I take a deep breathe in and rings the doorbell. It doesn't take long until the door opens and I'm not surprised to see Mary in a infamous apron. "Alison?" She whispers in disbelief.

Yes, I didn't tell them I was coming cor different reasons of course. I didn't tell Mary because I wanted it to be a surprise, but I didn't tell my parents because I knew they'd lock me out.

I smile at her, remembering how much I missed her even though I last saw her at my wedding. "Hi."

She immediately hugs for a long while, probably letting the fact that I'm here sink in. She then let's go and smacks my shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I could have made you a feast." She grabs a bag and drags it inside. I take two other and follow her to my room.

"Well, kill me for wanting to surprise you then." I tease receiving a scold instead.

When we get into my room, it's exactly how I left it. Okay I'm lying, the items of clothes I left on the floor have been cleaned up, the mini dustbin has been emptied and the covers have been changed too.

I guess I just wanted to be dramatic.

I set the bags down and lie on my bed, and smile at the familiar feeling though I can't help but compare it to my bed back home... at Leo's.

"So why are you really here?" I hear Mary ask.

I lift my body and lean my back on the headboard. "I missed you, I just told you that." I tell her, yet the raised brow and stern face told me she wasn't believing me.

"No matter how much you missed me I know you wouldn't have came here. You hate this place." She points out. "Now spill."

Rolling my eyes, I decide to tell her the truth, the whole truth, including my pregnancy. By the time I am finished, she's staring at me with an unknown emotion.

"You're pregnant." She states. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment and I nod. "And you didn't tell the father." She states again.

"I'm going to tell him Mary." I lie back down and stare at the ceiling. "Just not now."

"Why not?" She asks.

Though I had an answer to that, now that I'm about to say it it seems stupid and childish. "Because I want space from him and the drama back there. Mary I'm still in a somewhat fragile stage. The position Leonardo put me in will make me loose the baby, and... and I don't think I'm strong enough to handle that." I wipe the tears away from my eyes.

"Oh baby." She holds me tight in her arms and runs her hand up and down on my back. "I understand why you did it but just promise me you'll tell him, and won't run away forever with his child." She says what almost everyone that knows my situation has been saying to me.

"I promise."


It has been hours since I arrived back home and to say that I'm anxious would be an understatement. My parents have not arrived yet but I know they're bound to arrive sooner or later.

As if on cue, I hear the front door open and voices, voices that I know too well belong to them.

I stand up from the couch and look at the entrance at which they'll either pass by or enter.

The footsteps gets closer and closer until they finally stopped. Now they're at the entrance with looks of pure shock and confusion.

"Alison?" Mother whispers. She moves slowly towards me and lets her eyes run up and down my body, making me feel uncomfortable. "What are you doing here."

I shift on my foot awkwardly and look at the floor, "I needed a place to stay for a while."

Silence takes its course between us, the whole time my father not saying anything.

"Of course you can stay here honey. We missed you so much." My head snaps at my mother's words.

"You missed me?" The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop it.

She nods and looks at my father, gesturing for him to step forward, which he does. The whole time he's looking anywhere but at me. "Yes, um, your father and I have something to tell you. The reason behind the way we were towards you, and the reason for your forced marriage." She says.

Father nods and finally looks at me. "That's right, but you need to sit down for this."

What the hell are they going to tell me?

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