Chapter 2

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THE GYM INSIDE WAS spacious, contradicting the small front desk and waiting area. People walked by her, either getting ready to workout or hop in the shower. The familiar scent of sweat engulfed her senses and she recoiled, remembering the horrible experience.

She didn't know where to go, but she learned where the locker rooms and showers were after aimlessly walking around. She didn't want to change into her work-out attire yet; she wanted to meet her trainer beforehand. However, she had no idea where to look for him. She didn't have a picture to match Kyle Oshiro's face.

When a man dripped in sweat came out of a class looking like an instructor, microphone and all, Sierra went to him in hopes of finding her new trainer.

"Hi, I'm new around here. I'm looking for Kyle Oshiro." She showed him her card where the bubbly handwriting spelled out her trainer's name. He frowned at the card and then looked back at her, a grimace slowly making its way to his face.

"Uh, you know he's—"

"Absolutely terrible? Yes. I need a trainer. Where can I find him?"

He stopped whatever he was going to say and nodded. Using his wristband, he wiped away the sweat on his brow, as Sierra waited for further information.

"I'll go find him for you. Stay here will you?"

Sierra nodded and watched him leave. She let her eyes wander again, liking the space of the gym.

Its high ceilings and bright colors welcomed her to work hard. Crystal doors and windows divided every room except the locker rooms. Women and men came out from their respective locker rooms constantly. Some left the premises while others went to train.

Sierra smiled when a group of girls, dressed up in fluorescent leggings, walked out, nervous. One of the girls hid behind some of her friends as she stared hard at the ground. The girl was overweight, so Sierra figured that was why she was embarrassed.

Sierra wanted to tell her it was okay. There was a reason gyms were made. No one should feel embarrassed by their bodies, and she should be proud for actually stepping out of her comfort zone and change her lifestyle.

She always respected people who made the change to live a healthier lifestyle. She also respected those that loved themselves regardless of how they looked like and not care about the societal pressures telling them their bodies were unacceptable. Everyone had a choice.

She knew that being overweight could provoke medical problems, but it annoyed her that people didn't realize that being too thin was just as bad. People should stop pointing their fingers at people based on their shape or size of their bodies. Regardless of how they looked, they were a human being with feelings and goals that were valid. Being overweight or too thin didn't change that.

Sierra scoffed to herself. Society was never going to stop being so toxic against everything that wasn't deemed trendy. That was why that girl was terrified of being there, and it wasn't right.

The group of girls entered a class on the far end of the place. Through the glass windows, Sierra saw them station themselves on bikes, waiting for the instructor to be there.

She was going through a similar situation. She had yet to meet her new trainer. She shuffled her feet in her impatience, not knowing what to do.


Sierra turned her head to see the previous guy jogging towards her. Behind him trailed who she assumed was her trainer.

"This is Kyle, your trainer," he pointed to the man.

Kyle gave her a curt nod, standing over a head taller than the instructor guy. His muscles bulged out, making his body look thicker and huge. He wore a simple tee and basketball shorts that flaunted every muscle in his body. His tanned skin shone with the lights. His face was sharp and angular like someone she'd see on TV. His jaw was perfectly squared, his nose was long and thin, and his eyes were slightly narrowed as if studying her. Straight raven hair fell over his forehead messily, almost like he tried to tame it but failed.

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